Winter and Reece

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A/N- This is set on the same day as The previous chapter with Aut and Marjorie! Enjoy!          ~Phoebe <3

Since Marjorie and Autumn had taken themselves off to find the perfect dress, Reece thought it would only be right to ask Winter to come with him to the tailors to find the perfect suit. Reece and Winter were much closer than when he and Autumn had first gotten together, although there was still some hidden tension between them, Reece hoped to solve this. 

Reece took his car and made his way to Winter and Autumn's house. Marjorie had left a while before him so he was glad he wouldn't have to face Autumn who would most likely give him a lecture or a rant about being nice to Winter. Reece arrived and Winter was already waiting for him. As soon as he saw the car appear the door swung open.

"Morning Reece" Winter greeted Reece as he clipped his seatbelt into place.

"Alright Winter." Reece drove off down the road.

"Have you got anything in mind?" Winter asked looking out of the window.

"No, I haven't really looked if I'm being honest." Reece replied turning into the tailor's car park.

"Thats okay. We can look together." Winter stated as the two men got out of the black Porche and walked up to the glass doors.

"All I know is that I want something simple. The only thing I really know about the wedding is that Marjorie wants the bridesmaids and best men to wear something green." Reece held the door open for Winter as they walked in. "Speaking of best men, do you maybe want to be one of mine?" Reece did think of Winter as his friend even though they weren't the closest.

"I'd love to, thank you Reece." Winter smiled at Reece as they greeted the receptionist:

"Hello, uh, appointment for Reece Knight please." Reece wasn't always the most socially outgoing person in the world.

The two men were guided to a corner of the room by a man with a fabric tape measure round his neck.

"Any thoughts on what style you may want?" The tailor asked Reece as he measured his lengths and widths.

"No" Reece shook his head "I just know I want something simple. Something traditional."

"I have a few in mind." The tailor walked off with a sheet of paper with notes that had Reece's measurements on it.  

Reece sat down next to Winter on the wooden, rustic bench against the back wall.

"So, how far along are you now?" Reece asked

"4 months and 1 day. Or 15 weeks." Winter proudly stated. 

"Very accurate."  Reece paused. "Are you nervous at all? Becoming a father?" Reece asked "You two seem so chilled out about it all."

"Oh i am terrified." Winter simply said "Autumn isn't, she's so brave with everything she's been through, I'm so proud of her."

These words made Reece smile. He knew his sister was safe, cared for and loved,

"Thank you for taking such good care of her Winter." Reece smiled. Winter was quite stunned he had never seen this side of Reece, only heard it in stories from Autumn. The tailor came back to the 2 men sitting together and handed Reece a piece of paper that gave him a list of all types of suits that would fit him best.

"Right let's find this one first," Reece said pointing to a picture of a shawl lapel suit and trousers on the page. Winter and Reece walked over to the section and picked out a black suit with a white shirt and black trousers. The suit had one button the chest area was quite open. Then Reece looked over at the sheet again and chose one more to try on. He chose a simple slim fit suit as he didn't want anything too fancy, but nothing too dressed down. Winter walked over to the slim-fit suit section and picked out a very dark navy suit with a black tie and matching trousers.

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