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A/N- This part includes mentions of eating disorders and toxic family life.

 This took a while to write! Enjoy -Phoebe

The alarm clock went off:

'Beep, beep, beep, be-' Reece violently hit the alarm clock so it would shut up. He then turned back to Marjorie who was starting to stir awake. Reece wrapped his arms around Marjorie as she nuzzled her face into his chest.

"I don't want to go to work today" She quietly whispered into Reece's cheek. The birds outside were chirping as a ray of golden sunlight reflected onto their faces.

"That's good, because I've booked annual leave for both of us today." Marjorie smiled as Reece ran his fingertips through her messy hair.

"What are we going to do?" Marjorie croakily asked, blinking her eyes slowly still adjusting to the morning light. 

"I was thinking we could start planning for the wedding." Reece slowly rolled away slipping out of Marjorie's grip and making her groan at the loss of contact between them. "I'll be back don't worry, stay here" He smiled at her as he left the room in his boxers. Marjorie laid in bed waiting for Reece to return. He was a little bit longer than she thought he would be so eventually she drifted off to a light sleep, slightly snoring with her mouth open.

Meanwhile, Reece started preparing Majorie a small breakfast of French toast. Her favorite. Reece carefully stepped up the long winding stairs to their large bedroom carrying a tray of food for the both of them. He stopped and smiled while standing in the doorway. He saw Majorie slightly sitting up her head limply resting on her shoulder fast asleep again. He chuckled walking over to her side of the bed. He set the tray of food down and gently nudged her until she slowly woke.

"You'll hurt your neck sleeping like that gorgeous." Reece wiped away some stray whisps of hair from her face. Marjorie rubbed her eyes and looked around confused

"I fell asleep?" She mumbled, turning her head to Reece who was carefully picking up the tray and placing it next to her. Her eyes shot open. If she wasn't awake, then she was now. "You made me breakfast?!" Reece shuffled next to her.

"Of course, I did, you look after me so well all the time, so I thought this is the least I could do." He smiled while passing Marjorie a plate of French toast.

"Oh Reece!" Marjorie leant her head on Reece's shoulder while they ate in a comfortable silence.

Once they were finished, Reece took the tray and the dirty dishes downstairs and cleared them away as Marjorie showered and got ready for the day. She slipped on a black and white long sleeved, fitted shirt and a black knee-length skirt and tights then joined Reece downstairs.

"Alright my love. So, what are we sorting out today?" She asked while lowering herself down onto the sofa next to him

"I thought we could sort the guest lists and maybe the venue?" Reece said as he wrapped his arm around Marjorie pulling her close. "I'm guessing you'll find your dress in your own time, so I don't see it?" Marjorie nodded, smiling enthusiastically, leaning into Reece's shoulder.

"I'm so excited!" She said jumping up "Can we go now?" Reece chuckled at his love's excitement as he placed his hands on his knees and stood up. 

The two got into the car and drove off down their new road.

"So, I have done a bit of research" Reece spoke steering the car gently to the right with one hand. "I've found two locations I know you will love." He placed his free hand on her thigh. After about half an hour of driving they reached the first venue.

Love at Last - A Marjoreece storyWhere stories live. Discover now