Decorating (2)

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A/N- Has one mention of miscarriage.

The next morning, Marjorie woke up and twisted around to face what she thought was Reece. Normally, he would be reading on a Sunday morning waiting for her to wake up, but today there was a cold missing space in the bed. Marjorie rubbed her eyes and sat up looking around the room to get her bearings straight.

"Reece?" She croakily and quietly called out reaching around her bedside table and patting the surface to fine her glasses before pushing them up the bridge of her nose. Marjorie flung the covers off her legs and swung them to the floor, standing up and walking over to the door and walking out. She silently stepped downstairs hoping to see that Reece was watching Tv or cooking something. She couldn't hear the sound of frying or cooking or the Tv.

Marjorie began to worry now. "Reece?" She called out a little louder. "Reece, my love? Where are you?" Marjorie opened the back door hoping to see Reece in the pool or maybe on a walk. No Reece. She quickly rushed upstairs to his study and barged in. No Reece. She walked along the hallway and checked the 3 other bedrooms. No Reece. Eventually, Marjorie retreated back into the own bedroom and flopped on the armchair in the corner of the room. She pulled out her phone and texted Reece:

"Me- Reece where are you?

Me- Reece?

My love <3- I'm so sorry, I forgot to write you a note for when you woke up. I'm with Autumn at the hospital, she's getting a scan, and winter couldn't come so she wanted me here.

Me- Alright, when will you be home?

My love <3- I'm not sure I'll let you know though x"

Marjorie felt a bit annoyed that Reece hadn't told her he was leaving, she wasted the whole morning worrying about him. Marjorie was hopeless in the kitchen, so she decided to wait until her personal chef fiancé got home.

While she waited, she decided to get some errands done. She slumped down onto the sofa and pulled out her laptop from the side of it. She remembered all the things they didn't get while out shopping because of Reece's father so she wanted to get those ordered. She ordered things like a table for the hallway, some photo frames and lots more furniture items to complete their home. After everything was ordered, she made her way upstairs to their bedroom's ensuit. She picked out a can of white paint on her way. She placed the can down and pulled one of Reece's oversized t-shirts over her head to protect her pajamas from the paint. She dipped a paint roller in the paint and started painting the ceiling.

Marjorie was almost finished with the bathroom when she heard Reece walk into the house.

"Marjorie I'm back!" Reece called out hoping to get a hint of where she was.

"I'm in our bathroom my love!" Marjorie shouted back hearing footsteps coming up the stairs. Marjorie stood in the doorway holding a paintbrush. She was wearing Reece's now paint stained shirt and her own shorts. She had a smudge of paint on her nose. Reece walked in and looked around.

"Wow, gorgeous you've been busy." Reece was just about to pull her into a tight embrace before he paused and looked at her. "Is that... Is that my shirt?"

"Maybe..." Marjorie innocently replied, "It's not that dirty!"

Reece rolled his eyes continuing with the hug. He pulled away and noticed the smudge of paint on her face. He swiped it away with his thumb while laughing. Marjorie cleaned herself up, slipping on clean clothes and finished painting, she then joined Reece downstairs who was cooking her something for breakfast. She sat down at the barstool situated on the kitchen island.

"So..." Marjorie thought to bring up what happened last night. "How- how was the scan?" Marjorie wanted to wait until the moment was right to ask Reece about his worries, she knew he would give in and tell her straight away.

"It was good. They're keeping the gender a surprise until the birth." 

"Thats such an Autumn thing to do." Marjorie laughed taking the plate of food Reece handed her. After she finished eating, she suggested that they could go on a walk. Reece agreed, grabbing a pair of scruffy trainers. The two exited the house through the back door and made their way down the long garden. Reece opened the small gate at the bottom letting Marjorie through first before he followed behind her. Marjorie slipped her hand into Reece's, and she started thinking of how to approach the situation she had on her mind. The two walked silently through the canopy of trees taking in nature. The sun was still slightly rising as it was only 9AM so the sun was peeking through the leaves creating beams of light that made patterns on the floor.

After a while, Marjorie and Reece found a thick tree branch. They sat down still holding hands. Reece knew Marjorie wanted to talk about the night before and why he got so worked up, but truthfully, he didn't know either.

"Reece." Marjorie broke the silence while tilting her head onto his shoulder. "Do you want to talk about what happened last night?" Reece paused hearing this and thought for a second. His gaze moved to the floor wondering what to say, he knew he would have to tell her some way or another.

"If I have to." Reece mumbled

"Please do. You really worried me." Marjorie's voice was filled with concern. Reece could hear how genuine she was and decided to open up.

"I guess I've just been stressed lately." He stuttered, feeling Marjorie's fingertips glide through his golden hair.

"It's okay you can tell me, my love." Marjorie comforted Reece

"Since the run in with my father I've been on edge. I have a bad feeling about something, but I can't place my finger on it. Then there's Autumn. She's been through so much and I know this sounds dark but what if she has another miscarrage." Marjorie listened quietly tracing circles in Reece's arm as he spoke. "I couldn't comfort her the first time, what on earth do I do the second time."A tear lightly rolled down Reece's cheek pausing when it got to his nose. Marjorie wiped it away with her thumb, she didn't know what to say to this.

"That is out of your control. Please don't work yourself up about something that is out of anyone's control, my love. Also, she's in the middle of her pregnancy normaly from here its smooth sailing."  She wraped an arm round his should pulling him into her. He started sobbing into her chest. This took Marjorie aback as she tried her best to comfort him. All she could do is hold him at this point.

After a while, Marjorie got Reece to calm down. She knew he would never fully tell her everything, which hurt her, knowing she couldn't help him fully. They walked back to the house in comfortable silence, Reece was holding onto Marjorie's hand like if he let go, she would slip away from him. When they got to the house Reece composed himself. He went up to Marjorie who was hanging up a picture frame and hugged her from behind. He was grateful to have her in his life, he didn't know where he would be if he was still with Mia but now he had found Marjorie, he knew his life goals and where he wanted to be. 

"Should I put together that table gorgeous?" Reece pointed at the box that was laying on the floor.

"Yes, please my love" Marjorie replied softly, she knew Reece was going to pretend that nothing had happened, Autumn was the exact same. She didn't know how to get round this brick wall the siblings put up but for now all she could do was wait on the other side.

After a few hours of working on the house it was almost finished, their bedroom was decorated, the living room was decorated, the kitchen, the bathrooms, almost everything. The two were proud of their progress and slumped down on the sofa and exhaled.

"I can't believe the house is almost finished my love." Marjorie said as she snuggled into Reece's chest.

"Me either, I guess we will have to start wedding shopping soon." Reece wrapped an arm round Marjorie pulling her closer back into him.

"Really?!" Marjorie got excited like a puppy. "I've been waiting for you to say that for ages. I'll go starts looking!" Marjorie launched herself up leaving Reece stunned by the number of words she had fitted in that small time. He shook his head and smiled while turning on the Tv. He heard Marjorie shriek with excitement which made Reece laugh. 

Love at Last - A Marjoreece storyWhere stories live. Discover now