Almost a Knight

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A/N- I'm so sorry if this seems lazy, I am SO tired from school- I've had so many PPE exams recently! Sorry! -Phoebe <3

Reece slammed the boot of the car shut after placing multiple suitcases inside then he walked towards the front door and heard Marjorie rummaging about above him.

"Marjorie, gorgeous? Are you ready to go?" He called up the stairs waiting for a response. Marjorie quickly ran down the stairs, springing into Reece as she reached the bottom step.

"Yep! I'm all ready." Marjorie excitedly exclaimed.

"Let's head off then." Reece placed a hand on Marjorie's back as they walked out the front door together. The two of them took their seats in Reece's Porche.

"Next time we drive up that driveway, we'll be married!" Marjorie blurted out, not being able to hide her excitement away. Reece nodded smiling, placing a hand on Marjorie's knee, stroking it with his thumb. 

"I can't wait to see you in your dress. I know you'll look stunning." Reece flirtily spoke making Marjorie blush.

"And I can't wait to see you in your suit, my love." She smiled. "I asked Autumn to be my maid of honour."

"Really? It's funny, from what you have said about Autumn when she first started at the nursery, I bet you would have ever imagined being this close to her." Reece laughed while steering the car with one hand.

"I also would of never of imagined having someone as amazing as you in my life, my love." Marjorie smiled as Reece's cheeks flushed pink slightly. 

The two arrived at their luxury hotel that was on the site of the venue about half an hour later. They checked in and Reece wheeled both their suitcases upstairs into the room. The room was large and had a king-sized bed in the middle of the room that faced a large balcony that looked over a magical looking courtyard. The bathroom had a huge corner tub, a shower with multiple different settings, a large sink on a gold infused marble countertop and lots of storage space.

"Now this is fancy." Marjorie admitted opening the thin curtains to see the greenery below.

"The best of the best for you" Reece smiled placing his hands on Marjorie's hips as she leant against the balcony fence. Marjorie leant her head backwards into Reece's chest and smiled up at him.

"I love you" She smiled as Reece leant down to kiss her on the cheeks. 

"I love you more." Reece smiled cupping her cheek in his hand and turning her to face him. Marjorie edged closer to Reece, pressing her body against his.

"How about we go check out that bath, gorgeous?" Reece winked, taking her hand and leading her back inside the room. Marjorie nodded, smirking at him. The almost newlyweds undressed and threw their clothes to the side, and Reece picked Marjorie up and pulled her into the bathroom. Marjorie perched on the side of the bath as she waited for it to fill up, flashing her doe eyes at Reece. She knew this got him every time.

Once the bath was filled with bubbles and warm water Reece slipped in beconing for Majorie to join him. She slowly waded in sitting in between Reece's legs and leaning back into him enjoying the warmth and presence of each other.Marjorie cuddled back into Reece's chest grateful to have someone like him.

"I can't wait to marry you gorgeous," Reece said breaking the silence.

"I love you," Marjorie said for about the 50th time that day.

Later on, When the couple had finished in the porcelain bath and had drained all the water, Reece received a call. It was Autumn.

'R- Hey Aut, everything okay?

A- Yes. Is Marjorie around you at the moment?

R- *Reece looks around* No, she's on the balcony. Why?

A- So, I have some... information for you.

R- That sounds bad what is it?

A- Well, someone told me that a special guest is on their way to the venue later.

R- What?! I'm about to kill someone.

A- Calm down, we can't have you going to jail on your wedding day. I'll sort it.

R- Are you sure?

A- Yes.

R- I'm sure I can han-

A- Bye.'

Reece sighed as he chucked his mobile phone down on the high bed and stepped onto the balcony where Marjorie was lounging. He pulled out a chair next to her and sat down.

"Who was that on the phone, my love?" Marjorie asked softly placing a hand on Reece's and slowly stroking it with her thumb.

"No one don't worry about it gorgeous." Reece comforted Marjorie trying to set her mind at ease as his was swirling with thoughts and scenarios. Marjorie narrowed her eyes and raised one of her eyebrows tilting her head slightly.

"Are you sure?" She asked

"Yes, I promise!"  He smiled, placing the negative thoughts to the back of his mind, remembering that tomorrow, Marjorie wouldn't just be his fiancé anymore, but would be his Wife. All his. And he would be all hers. After sitting together and talking about future plans and ideas they had, laughing and just enjoying their time together, Reece suggested they get an early night seeing as tomorrow they would most likely be up all night. Marjorie agreed and the couple changed into comfortable loungewear and slipped into the soft, large bed holding each other close.

Marjorie fell asleep first, still holding onto Reece's waist like a clingy toddler. He smiled and placed a delicate kiss on her forehead before tucking her stray hairs out of her eyes and behind her ear. With all these highs in his life at the moment, Reece felt selfish worrying about something so little that may not even happen. Eventually, Reece managed to fall asleep pushing the shadowing thoughts away for now. Marjorie and Reece stayed holding each other close and tight for the whole night, both of them dreaming about the wedding. Reece dreamt about Marjorie gracefully gliding down the aisle to him. Marjorie dreamt about making memories as a Knight with Reece, together forever. After all, she would soon be a Knight.

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