Chapter 5: The basement of horror and secrets.

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The air grew colder as the group descended deeper into the tower. The darkened stairwell seemed endless, the walls pulsed with eerie, glowing veins–veins that almost felt alive. It was as though the very essence of those who had once lived here was still present, their lifeblood now absorbed into the building itself. Skyler brushed his hand across the stone, feeling the chill and the strange sensation of being watched by something eyeless and cold.

At the base of the stairs, they arrived in a dimly lit corridor. Rogue Wolf immediately pulled out his scanner, waving it around carefully to check for any nearby threats. The scanner beeped softly, confirming the area was clear for the time being.

"Clear." Rogue Wolf whispered, his voice low but firm.

The group moved cautiously, stepping into what seemed to be the main room of the basement. A heavy metallic scent filled the air, and the sight before them made their stomachs turn. Blood coated the floor in thick, dark pools, and torn body parts littered the area. Some of the bodies were so badly mangled that it was impossible to tell if they were humans or something else.

At the far end of the room, a sigular computer was mounted to the wall, flickering in and out of power. Jack made his way to the device, his face tightening as he looked at the alien symbols that covered the screen. The footage was damaged, the system clearly fried.

"This thing's useless." Jack muttered, running his fingers across the monitor.

The Host, stepped forward, placed a hand on the screen, his eyes narrowing in concentration. A blue, ghostly light flickered around his fingers, and suddenly the room dimmed. In front of them, a projection of the room's past flickered to life—a glimpse of what had once occurred here.

The group watched in silence as the events unfolded.

A shadow appeared, and then something far more terrifying took shape—a Xenomorph. But this one was different. It wore super-advanced nanotechnology armor, more advanced then anything they had ever seen, far surpassing even ironman's tech. The armor gleamed with an almost unnatural glow, covering the Xenomorph's body in sleek, deadly layers. Energy wrist blades extended from its gauntlets, glowing with menacing power, and two small plasma casters rested on it's back. Under the wrist blades, a grappling mechanism was hidden, ready to strike. The creature's tail, encased in razor-sharp casing, twitched, even deadlier then before. It's helmet, sleek and unnervingly advanced, held unknown features that mo one could comprehend—except for the Xenomorph that proudly wore it.

The projection showed the Xenomorph tearing through what appeared to be a group of criminals. It was brutal, efficient. Bodies were shredded in seconds, blood splattering across the walls and floors as the creature moved like a force of nature. The sheet violence, combined with the speed and precision, was horrifying to witness. The criminals didn't stand a chance. They were ripped apart with terrifying ease, their screams cut short as the Xenomorph finished them off one by one.

The group stood silent for a moment, processing what they had just witnessed.

Tux stepped forward, his voice low and analytical. "That creature... it must have acquired that nanotechnology by pure accident. No way it evolved into this on its own."

Fernando, visibly shaken, spoke next, his voice grim. "I hope that thing isn't still down here. If it is..." He trailed off, unwilling to finish the thought.

Vesper, standing tall, surveyed the room, his expression hardening. "No. The Nanomorph no longer lingers in this lab. It's gone... for now."

There was a collective sigh of relief from some of the group, but the unease still lingered. They knew that while this particular threat might not be here at the moment, something far more dangerous had already been unleashed into the world. And they were walking deeper into its lair.

The Host looked at the others, his powers still flickering with energy. "We need to move, now. Whatever left this place in ruins didn't leave without leaving a trail of destruction in its wake. We have to find what we came for—and fast."

Without another word, the group began moving again, pushing forward through the main room toward the deeper sections of the lab. The air grew heavier, and the distant echos of movement hinted ar something else watching them, waiting for the right moment to strike.

But for now they kept moving, hoping that the Nanomorph wouldn't return before they found what they needed—or before something even worse found them.

And that's chapter five, hope you guys liked it. ^^

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