Chapter 3: Into the Fallen City

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The jungle grew denser as the group pressed forward, their footsteps silent but purposeful. Every now and then, Rogue Wolf and Soap would fire off precise shots, taking down creatures that tried to flank them from the sides. The attacks were quick and relentless, but nothing the group couldn’t handle. Rogue Wolf’s visor pinged as he lined up his shots, dropping each creature with surgical precision. Soap followed his lead, his assault rifle barking to life as he cleared a path.

Vesper's eyes narrowed as he walked, his connection to the earth growing stronger. The dying energy of the planet pulsed through the ground, a faint echo of its former strength. His necromancer abilities allowed him to feel the lifelessness below, the fading heartbeat of a once-thriving world. He clenched his small fists, his fur bristling as he sensed the decay around him. Every step they took closer to their destination, the darker and more twisted the energy became.

As they moved through the jungle, Kratos decided to break the silence. “This world… it wasn’t always like this,” he rumbled, his deep voice cutting through the eerie quiet. “What happened here? What turned it into this wasteland?”

Skyler glanced at Kratos, his galaxy-colored eyes flickering. “It’s hard to say for sure, but these creatures… they're not natural. It’s like something is corrupting everything. This world has been dying for a long time, but whatever’s out here now, it’s speeding up that process.”

Tux looked up, his kitten eyes thoughtful. “Maybe someone—something—brought this darkness. Maybe they wanted this to happen.”

Jake nodded. “It’s possible. Whatever these things are, they’re not native. They don’t belong here.”

The Host, walking at the front, remained quiet but attentive. His eyes scanned the horizon as they moved, his mind processing the conversation. Despite his immense power, there was a sense of unease in the air that even he couldn’t ignore.

As the group talked, time seemed to slip by faster. The jungle’s dying atmosphere gave way to something even more ominous as they neared their destination. Towering in the distance, the fallen remains of a massive city came into view, its skyline broken and overgrown with veiny, parasitic plants. The once-grand buildings were now crumbling, skeletal remains of a lost civilization. The streets below were littered with the bones of animals—dogs, cats, deer—all twisted and rotting, with vines choking their remains.

The group came to a halt at the edge of the city, their eyes taking in the unsettling scene. Creatures—large, misshapen things—roamed the streets, their movements slow but deliberate. Their skin seemed to pulse with a dark, corrupted energy, and their eyes glowed with an eerie, unnatural light. The city was teeming with them, an entire army lurking in the shadows, waiting.

Vesper turned to face the group, his voice calm but firm. “We can’t fight them head-on. There are too many. If we try, we’ll be overwhelmed in minutes.” His necromancer powers allowed him to feel the full scale of the creatures’ presence. It was like a tidal wave of dark energy, impossible to resist.

The Host scoffed, folding his arms. “I could take them,” he said confidently. “But even I can’t fight forever. We’ll do it your way, Vesper. For now.” Though his words were laced with pride, he knew better than to underestimate the creatures or the city. Even with his vast powers, the odds weren’t in his favor.

Skyler scanned the streets below, his hand resting on the hilt of his galaxy katana. “We’ll have to move quietly,” he said. “In and out. No mistakes.”

Rogue Wolf activated his visor’s scanning mode, studying the movement patterns of the creatures. “I’ll take point with the others. We can cover you from a distance, but we need to stay low. One wrong move, and they’ll swarm us.”

Kratos grunted. “Stealth isn’t my usual approach, but I’ve learned to be adaptable.”

Necroclaw flexed his claws, the dark magic swirling around him. “We’ll stick to the shadows. If we’re careful, they won’t even know we’re here.”

Tux, always ready for action, nodded in agreement. “We’ve got this. Just stay sharp.”

Vesper looked back at the group, his small but commanding presence grounding them. “Stick together. We’ll find what we need in this city, but we can’t afford to draw attention.”

The group exchanged silent nods, their focus sharpening as they prepared for the next leg of their journey. The fallen city stretched out before them, its once-great structures now hollow shells of their former glory. The overgrown streets were a maze of danger, with the creatures roaming everywhere.

With Vesper leading the way, the group slipped into the city’s outskirts, their movements swift and silent. The jungle had been dangerous, but this city held a different kind of threat—a lurking darkness that promised no mercy to those who dared enter.

I'm glad I'm able to plan these out without struggle due to me pretending it's just a rp, yeah it won't make any sense how I'm pretending it's a rp cuz my role plays never move much anymore, but I'm mostly glad I'm back at writing, after this story is finished I'm definitely gonna try rewriting other stories that need rewriting, anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter, and I'll see you in the next chapter ^^

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