Chapter 12: The Plan in Motion

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Simon “Ghost” Riley and Soap meticulously examined the explosives Vesper had retrieved, their sharp eyes scanning every detail, ensuring they had enough firepower for the job. Their movements were efficient, seasoned by years of military experience, but their faces held the weight of what was at stake. Vesper stood nearby, arms crossed, waiting for their judgment.

"This should be enough to bring down the nest," Ghost finally said, setting one of the explosives down carefully. Soap nodded in agreement, though his eyes drifted over to Tux, who had been uncharacteristically quiet since the planning began.

Tux wasn’t looking at the map anymore, not directly. His sharp mind had already mapped out the routes and strategies. Instead, his thoughts lingered on something far more critical: the Core of the Universe. If these creatures reached it, the implications were far more disastrous than just losing this city or even this planet. The Core was the thread that bound every universe together. If it fell, the creatures could spread like a plague, leaping between worlds, corrupting and destroying everything in their path. It would be the end of all universes, every reality collapsing into chaos.

Ghost and Soap walked over to Vesper, breaking Tux’s focus. They discussed their plan to strike the nest at dawn, believing it would give them the cover of morning light to maneuver. But before they could finalize anything, Tux interrupted, his voice calm yet urgent.

“We can’t afford to wait until morning,” Tux said, rising from his seat and walking over to the group. “And we shouldn’t focus on the nest alone. There’s a bigger threat in play here—one that extends beyond this world. If we don’t act fast, the core of the universe could be destroyed. If that happens, nothing will stop these things from infecting every universe. We need to split into two teams.”

Ghost raised an eyebrow, intrigued but cautious. "Two teams? What’s the plan?"

Tux motioned to the map. “The first team—my team—will go after the main objective: securing the Core and preventing its destruction. I’ll need Ghost, Necroclaw, Jack, and Rogue Wolf with me. You’ll provide firepower and cover while I handle the technical side.”

He then turned to Vesper, Soap, and the others. “The second team—Vesper, Jake, Fernando, Soap, and Skyler—will hit the nest directly. You’ll have enough explosives to wipe it out, and Vesper knows the layout. If you can take down that nest, we can cut off the creatures’ primary source of reinforcements.”

Vesper nodded, silently accepting the responsibility. Soap glanced at Ghost, then back at Tux. “And what about The Host?”

Tux turned to The Host, who had been silently watching the conversation unfold. “I need you to cause a massive distraction,” Tux explained. “Something big enough to pull the attention of every creature in this city. Draw them to the middle of the city and keep them there long enough for both teams to complete their missions.”

The Host grinned, his presence exuding confidence. “Consider it done. I’ll give them something they can’t ignore.”

The plan was bold, and the stakes couldn’t be higher. Everyone knew that failure wasn’t an option—not with the fate of all universes hanging in the balance. The weight of the situation hung in the air as the group finalized the details.

As night fell, the warehouse grew quiet. Each member of the team settled in, knowing they needed to rest if they wanted any chance of succeeding in the morning. Ghost sat sharpening his knife while Soap leaned against a crate, arms crossed, eyes scanning the darkness as if waiting for something to happen. Necroclaw and Rogue Wolf were already deep in quiet conversation, discussing the upcoming assault.

Tux, however, didn’t sleep. He couldn’t. The gravity of the mission kept him awake, his mind racing with calculations, strategies, and the potential horrors they would face. As the others drifted into uneasy sleep, Tux stood by the window, staring out into the dark, knowing that when the sun rose, everything would change.

In the silence of the warehouse, only one thought consumed him: This was their only chance to save everything.

I don't know what to say for this note lol, hope your loved this one ^^

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