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January 18th, 2020

Dear future me, 

     I'm gonna be completely honest, I actually really like writing these little letters. The peacefulness of it is nice and I kind of like the idea that one day (even when I'm old) I'll get to know what it was like to be young. Things like what I do with my friends, what girls I like, and other important things like that, I'll be able to relive these thanks to a stupid little assignment I did in 7th grade (which I guess is kind of cool.  .  .)

     So, I've decided to dedicate a real part of my life to writing these letters, I don't know for how long, and I don't know how often I'll write, but I'd like to at least try. Just for the sake of trying i guess. I'll probably put things like birthday parties or times that I hung out with Chan hyung or Innie. And then hopefully when I'm older I'll put things like my first girlfriend and our first kiss, and then when I'm way old, like 30 or something, I'll have something nice to read so I don't forget what fun is like.

     Also, I realized yesterday, once I start writing on my own and that stupid assignment is over, I don't have to use proper gramer, complete sentences, or even three paragraphs! I won't even have to write everyday if I don't want to. AND nobody would even read them to check for bad words or inappropriate language (I'm not saying I would use it, its just comforting knowing its there for me if I do). Anyway, thanks for reading future idiot. I still have one more sentence left so I'm just gonna use this time to say I really hope your not reading this from jail. . .


     - Kim Seungmin

To My Future Self (And The Boy I Used To Love)Where stories live. Discover now