1 - 29 - 2020

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January 29th, 2020

Dear future me, 

     Today was fairly boring, to say the least.

All I really did was homework and chores. Although, me and Minho did play a few rounds of Super Smash Bro's while he waited for Appa to come back from the grocery store (He wanted to help Omma make dinner. A bit of a kiss-ass move if you ask me. . . whatever, it tasted good). 

     It was actually kind of funny watching him struggle with all the fancy controls and buttons. 

I mean, what else am I supposed to do when his eye brows are practically touching and his head is flailing back and forth from the controller to the tv screen? Laugh!

    I think I made him a bit angry though, because when we finished the game he was all red and goofy looking. 

I laughed even harder.

Eventually, after we had all finished dinner, me and Minho went back to my bedroom to get ready for bed and stuff. Even though it was a weekend, me, Appa, and Omma had to be up early for church . . . Minho just goes to bed early like an old person.

     Anyway, while we were getting ready for sleep, me and Minho actually ended up talking a little bit.

It was kind of strange when he first started talking, saying something about an idol he liked or something, but the more he kept talking the more normal it felt. In a weird way.

     Soon, I was talking too.

He'd asked me a bunch of questions about my family, and a lot of other random things I don't remember. And even though I can't really tell if it was curiosity or politeness, I asked him and about his family- and other random stuff too.

     After a while it seemed like we were just talking. I did learn a lot of stuff though, things about where his parents are from, where their parents are from, where his siblings are from, and apparently where he's from too.

I knew Minho and his siblings were adopted, but I didn't know as much as I thought I did. 

     Apparently Minho's Omma (Mrs Lee) is from the U.S. (california I think), and her parents are from South Africa. I don't know much about South Africa, or people who live in the states, but Minho did tell me a lot about how his grandparents moved to the states to get jobs and stuff. He also told me how Mrs Lee moved to South Korea when she was like 16 to go to a fancy school for smart people.

     I actually laughed when he mentioned the fancy smart people school. I told him that I already knew about it because that's where my parents and Minhos parent's all met, and I still think its funny that Appa only went there to get closer with Omma. (I don't even know how he managed to get in, he failed half of South Korea's middle school curriculum . . .).

     Anyway, after my little interruption, Minho eventually told me about him and his siblings. I guess once Mr and Mrs Lee where married, Mrs Lee found out she wasn't able to have any kids. So, before they moved away to Japan, they adopted Minho.

This part really confused me because, I totally thought Minho was Japanese!? I mean, I knew he was adopted, but I thought he was adopted in Japan, like the other two, but I guess he's Korean like me and my parents.

     I tried to keep my confusion to myself, but I think Minho noticed. He got kind of quite for a few seconds and started opening his mouth like he was gonna ask me a question but decided to keep shut anyway. 

I felt pretty bad so I asked him more about where Hirai and Shota where from, and soon he explained how they adopted Hirai a year after they moved, and Shota three years later in the same place.

     It was all very interesting and whatever else, but eventually, we really were just talking. 

Telling each other random thoughts that we had. Sharing old stories from grade school. Spewing the kind of meaningless information only your close friends would care to know. 

And strangely . . . he really did seem to care. 

I guess I did too.

It was nice.

I can't believe I'm admitting this, but I think I might have possibly maybe perhaps found Minho to be slightly less annoying today than I usually do. Maybe it's because I beat him 7 times in a row at SMB, maybe its because I'm a kind, mature, graceful human being. Who knows?

Whatever it is though, it certainly kind of really sort of freaked me out. 

     Don't get me wrong, I still definitely hate him. I just think, maybe he's not that bad. I don't know. Whatever. Shut up.

I'm going to sleep now,

     -Kim Seungmin.

To My Future Self (And The Boy I Used To Love)Where stories live. Discover now