Chapter 5

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Dedicated to EverRose25,MorganMyers0,shawnybae,TeraBelleTrouble,fagulous1993 and Hailzter0723 for being such awesome and fabulous voters!


It's been a few weeks since Harry and Ron went back to Hogwarts.

All the gossip about the "Great Harry Potter" returning to Hogwarts had died down, leaving him and his friends able to have an education in peace.

Semi peace.

Harry regretted not being straightforward with Ginny. Now she had an expectation of him to want to get back together as soon as possible. Apparently, not at this moment meant yes to any other.

While he had been avoiding her, someone had been avoiding him.


Not that he wanted him to be bothersome, but it was certainly odd that he take extra care not to be anywhere near Harry.


There became an unspoken schedule for Hermione.

She would have breakfast with Harry and Ron, stay with them during classes, and hang out with them during some of her free periods.

During lunch, she would sit with Draco, and talk about schoolwork and such. Sometimes, Draco would come over and talk with her when she was alone with Ron, much to his annoyance. She never mentioned the fact that she knew who he was looking at. She would let him figure it out on his own.

At dinner, she would sit with Harry and Ron again, this time with Luna and Ginny in tow. It was horribly awkward between Ginny and Harry, and Hermione had wondered why. Tonight, Ginny gave her the answer.

They had been waiting for Ron and Harry to come into the Great Hall.

"When do you think he'll come around, Hermione?"

"For dinner?"

"No, not that."

"What do you mean, then?"

"He said he didn't want to get together at 'this moment in time'. When will that moment be?"

Hermione was conflicted. She knew that the moment she was looking for wouldn't come for a long time, if not never.

She recalled the conversation she had with Ron about this.

"Did Harry get together again with Ginny, yet?"

She had asked one day as they walked out of Charms.

"He didn't tell you!" Exclaimed Ron. "But I don't blame him."

What he said made Hermione curious.

"What do you mean?"

Ron took a deep breath.

"He told me first, when we were Aurors, you know? Plus, the fact I'm her brother helps, too. He said he really didn't miss Ginny, that he was really focused on living out his life. He wants to stay single, or at least not stay with Ginny."

Hermione had been shocked, but somewhat expecting it.

"But don't tell Ginny," Ron added, "He had wanted to do it himself, and I doubt that's changed."

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