Chapter 11

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This chapter is dedicated to ConnieJoao, for all of the times I appear on her reading lists, and MorganMyers0,kyee18sha,TeraBelleTrouble,Roofersaurous,EverRose25 for voting so much so far! You guys are all wonderful!


Draco felt like there was no Draco anymore. He had been thoroughly erased. There was only Malfoy now. His father would have been proud.

And it made Draco sick.

He felt like he was watching himself through a thick fog. He saw himself avoiding someone who obviously worried for him.

He didn't stop himself. Malfoy was steering the reins, and the horses were galloping farther and farther away. From everyone.

He didn't stop himself. It was nice to have a fallback, something set for everything. Draco craved a set path. And now he had one. Malfoy gave him one.

But what would he do to defend it?

His own father had had a set path for everything. Now look at him. A raving lunatic to the wizarding world, and the lousy father serving time in Azkaban.

Whenever he thought this, Malfoy defended it. You are not your father. You are better. You are not a chip off the old block. You are brand new, stronger, better block.

And Draco liked to agree.

A quiet knock sounded on his door. " Come in." He said, voice hoarse from lack of use.

An exasperated Hermione stepped into the room.

"This flu's really persistent isn't it?"

Draco nodded and she set some papers next to him on his desk.

" Flitwick assigned a quick true or false, McGonagall wants a two foot long essay explaining the laws of Transfiguration by Friday, and Slughorn asked for a bottle of Dreamless Sleep potion by the same day." She explained.

"Thanks Hermione. I'll see you later." He said, expecting her to leave.

"Not yet." She replied. "Binns took a sick day."

Draco stared at her.

"Ghosts can take sick days?"

"Apparently so." She frowned. "And they couldn't find someone to fill in for him. They gave us a free period." Draco nearly laughed, but then remembered he was supposed to be sick.

"You're the only one who would be upset about that. Go and enjoy your break. Merlin knows you don't give yourself any."

"I do take breaks!" She protested. "And I am enjoying my free time! I'm talking to you about work!"

Draco coughed into his fist.

" point..."

She settled down.

"And I wanted to check on you." Her frown returned. "You've been sick for nearly a month! Are you sure you don't want to go to Madame Pomfrey?"

Draco shook his head furiously.

"I'm sure. This flu's probably going to be gone soon. A few more days at the most."

Hermione looked indecisive.

"If you're sure. You must be getting better, somewhat. You aren't coughing as much. But if it's not gone by the end of the month, I will drag you by the ears to the infirmary if I have to!" She threatened.

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