The City Is Ours, Let's Burn It Down

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Early morning light trickled through the car windows. The golden rays tickled Diego's eyelids, making the ravenette wake up. A small yawn rang through him before he realized he was still lying on Ted's firm chest.

The other boy was breathing deeply but didn't stir once as the shorter of the two maneuvered to stare down at him. Ted looked angelic in the warm sun. Blond bled into white and tufts of hair poked out from the lopsided teddy bear hat. It wasn't fair that someone could look both simultaneously cute and hot.

Diego's gaze roamed Ted's face with reckless abandon. He tried to sit up but felt pressure on his back. The blond held him in a vice grip, secure but soothing. The ravenette melted into the touch, giggling softly so he didn't wake the other. 

A deep breath fluttered through parted pink lips. Those lips were a sinful tease to the Hispanic boy. It amazed him that all of his movements hadn't woken Ted. It was like he weighed nothing to the other. He'd slept aloft the blond all night, and he remained unencumbered. 


That was a word he often used to describe the dog-like boy. Ted was solid, in both mind and apparently body. Focusing on the arm around him, Diego noticed it rested low on his back, barely above his rear. Right at the hem of his ridden-up G.I.R. hoodie. Red tore across his cheeks. This was new, he'd never know just how possessive Ted could be. But he couldn't fault him for it, not when the ravenette desired him the same way. 

Ted was his. HIS. Almost in response, the blond's grip tightened in what may have been an approval of Diego's thoughts. No one would take him away. No one

Slowly, he leaned down close to his friend's, or more accurately, his soon-to-be lover's face. He mapped out the plains and contours, resting on the reddish-pink scar marring the skin there. That bitch's dagger had nearly taken away one of Ted's beautiful sapphire-nots. It would have been a tragedy. If he had been there, she wouldn't have been allowed to live. When it came to Ted being harmed, Diego felt less than merciful. 

His breath hitched. He could feel a hardness pressing into him. Diego and Ted were both boys, so he knew what was pushing into him. It happened nearly every morning, and the blond was unaware of how his length flustered wholely against the other. Diego felt himself fatten up with that revelation, matching Ted's situation with his own. 

He wanted so badly to grind against the blond, but he just wasn't ready to do that. Especially while he was asleep. He didn't know how to take it there with the other boy. What Diego did know was he wanted Ted. He wanted the taller to take him, and he wanted to take too. Could they both give and take? No one had to lose, right? If he gave to Ted and Ted gave to him, well then, they'd both have a piece of each other. Now, that sounded like a plan.

But who would go first?

Diego wanted it to be him. He'd give Ted anything he wanted, and he'd take whatever Ted wanted to give. He imagined those strong hands caressing the dips and curves of his body. They'd run over every inch of his skin. The ravenette shuddered. 

He needed to control himself, there was time for that later. They had to get up for today.

"Ted. Hey Ted. Wake up, we need to go." Diego wasn't frantic, he just knew that they'd gotten what they needed from Bresco. It was time to move on. They didn't know how far the next city was, so getting an early start was key.

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