i miss you holding my hands whenever i would say they were cold.
i would mention it more frequently, just to feel your hand in mine again.i miss you signing 'i love you' to me across the football field.
we both hated that stupid class,
but the company made it a little more bearable.i miss laying my head on your shoulder.
somehow i seemed to fit there perfectly.i miss you calling me baby.
i grew to like it more than my
own name.i miss envisioning my future with you.
who will i share a bed with now?i miss your laughter after all my jokes.
you were only of the only people who didn't find me annoying.i miss looking forward to seeing you.
funny how much i dread it now.i miss posting about you.
it was always me.i miss "i love you more" battles.
we all know who really won.i miss you loving me.
though sometimes i wonder if
you ever did.i miss you missing me.
although often it was the other
way around.i miss pining after you hopelessly.
at least i had someone, right?i miss you choosing your friends over me.
oh, but of course i was your "priority".i miss crying myself to sleep because of your decisions.
and i was always the one to say sorry.i miss feeling like it's all my fault.
thank god i outgrew that.i miss you ignoring me.
i always said i wouldn't let a guy treat me like that, yet here we are.i miss missing you.
though i guess that hasn't changed.
aria's poetry book
Poetryhi everyone!! i am currently working on a new book for you all, don't worry... but in the meantime, while you wait, i've decided to just upload some of my poetry here into a complete book for you all to see!! please enjoy, and take away from it what...