The Stories That Lie Within//Chapter One

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Present day:

School was out, it was the last day of the year. I was walking home with Angelica.

We live in the same apartment which was so convenient. I can go over her house whenever I needed her or whenever she needed me.

Our parents didn't mind as long as we were save.

"Are you ok?" She asks.

"I've been thinking about that day recently." I say looking at where my feet step.

"You shouldn't. I know it brings you down." She says.

"I know but I don't know.. My brains just keeps going back to it." I complain.

"Come on Amelia!" She laughs.

"What?" I giggle.

"You are 16! Your mind shouldn't gotten rid of that already."

"Maybe it couldn't yet. Maybe that was the day that everything changed it was like a very bad new beginning."

"Deeeeeeeeeeeeep." She says.

I smile but I look towards her.

"You are right." I say.

"I always am.. I'm starving!" She nearly yells.

"Of course you are." I laugh.

"Let's go to the in out near our house." She says.

I nod when my stomach growls and we both laugh.


We order and find a seat to sit at.

"I'll go get my drink. Watch my stuff." Angelica says.

But before she leaves I stop her,"Wait! Get mine," I give her my cup," I'll get the lemonade."

She rolls her eyes and walks away.

I smile until my eyes wander around the room and see Michael and his group of friends.

Did he know I would be here? How did he know? Did he come on his own? What is happening?!

Why is he here..?

Angelica comes back with the drinks. I take a sip and say,"Look at 10 o' clock." I say not eying him and his friends at all.

"Wow.. Dude why is he here?"

"That's what I wanna know!" I whisper.

Angelica gets up and looks in his direction.

"Bro!! What are you doing?! You are not about to go over there. I just want to eat in peace." I say.

She eyes me and sits down with a frown.

"What ever makes you happy. But if they come over here I'm about to go off on em." She says.

"Oh," she adds," I'm getting the food."

I look at them again.

"But they are ordering. You'll be next to them."

"So?" She winks.

"You. Aren't. Going. To. Say. A. Word." I say forcefully and demanding.

"Aight... Calm down." She says.

"Don't. And I mean it." I say again.

"Alright! I got it mom." She says smiling while crossing her arms over her chest.

10 minutes later our number is called. She gets up and walks away from the table in a flash.

"Angelica!!" I complain under my breath, knowing she won't hear me.

She comes back with the food.

"I didn't!" She says as I look AF her with an evil eye.

"Alright." I say slowly while I get a French fry.


We walk out the place without being seen until I notice they are outside and not inside. Right by the exit is a table full of 4 boys and 1 girl, that girl is his friends girlfriend that hangs out with all of them most times.

"Hey Amelia!" One of his friends say noticing me.

Grunting under my breath I look up from the ground and look at all of them to see them all staring at me.

"Let's go Amelia." Angelica takes my arm and we walk away.

"Ayyy! Where you goin!!!" Another boy says.

"See you later suckers!" Angelica says over her shoulder. This is why I love this girl.



sorry for a short first chapter but I just want to get this out there before you give up on me with the very short prologue.. I hope you enjoy!

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