The Stories That Lie Within//Chapter Six

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I really like the picture it's like a whole cast :) do you?

Anyways I have to tell you something about it. I only have pictures of characters that are crucial, important, and that will be used often.

Elizabeth, Sarah, Emily, and Brenden will come back later don't worry! Ok maybe Emily and Sarah aren't really that important to the story but they are cousins and they are twins so it was a picture I wanted to add... I guess.

Plus, Sarah and Emily's pictures in the order the names are. So Sarah is on the left now and Emily is on the right.

Should I have a picture of Angelica's sister, Hayley?

(I flipped all pictures so they aren't like they were in the past couple of chapters, if you get what I mean.)



I took multiple naps today. But none seem to make me better.

Or feel better.

No weird dreams that felt real though. So I guess that made it a little better.

I looked at my phone that was by my head and turned my back to it. I looked out the windows and it seems pretty outside still.

The sun out, the trees slightly moving in the wind, the faint sound of cars passing by near and far.

Seemed perfect.

But nothing is.

My phone started buzzing. I thought it was Michael so I closed my eyes but I turned when it didn't stop. It was a call.


"Hey.." I answered.


"Sorry about earlier."

"I understand. Want to talk about it?" She asked sounding completely understanding, like always.

"Yea." I say.


Since my mom went out while I went walking we meet in my apartment

"What's up?" She says as I open the door.

"Come in." I say closing the door as she walks in.

She walks to my room and I follow her.

When we get to my room I lay down on my bed and she takes off her shoes and sits with her legs crossed facing me.

"So?" She says wanting me to start talking.

I tell her everything from beginning to the point where I was panicking after and my mom had to talk me down.

It didn't work it just made me panic more, it was just another dream added to my 'realistic weird dreams'.

I don't plan on having another.


"Is that all you can say?" I ask looking at her with a look in my eyes.

"I was having a heart attack after and I didn't plan on telling anyone but you are my only friend, literally." I say.

Yea, I didn't have any other friends then her. All the others I just talked to. Like her sisters, I just know them and talk to them but never qualified them as my friends.

"I know I should say more I just don't know what to say."

"I understand." I say before silence takes over the room and house.

"Tell me something you would want to hear if you were me..." I say looking at her after staring at the ceiling this whole time.

"As your only friend I'm here for you, forever and always. Never think for one second that I won't help you through anything you need help in. Right now you are in darkness but it my job to help you get to the light. Ok?"

I get up and hug her.

"Ok." I say on the verge of tears.


Angelica, her sister and I go clothes shopping because by the end of the day I'm satisfied with myself. We left at 12:00 and we get home at around 5:00.

I put all my clothes in the closet and lay on my back on my bed.

I go on Instagram, Twitter, and snapchat.

"Honey!Someone is here to see you." My mom yells.

"Coming!" I yell going towards my room's door.

I put my phone on the charger and go to the front door.


"Brenden? What the hell are you doing here?!" I nearly yell.

"I'll go in my room then." My mom says.

How does he know where I live?

"Answer me!" I nearly yell again while my hand finds something to hold tight in my hand, the door nob.

"I'm here because Michael wants to meet up."

"Are you like his messenger?! I texted him he could've texted me back." I grunt.


"How do you know where I live?"


"Everything you say to me is about Micheal! Do you know how bad that hurts?!" I yell.

"What is going on?!" My mom yells from her room.

"Nothing!" Brenden and I yell back.

"Can I come in, Amelia?" He says my name harshly.


We stare at each other.

I look at my feet and sigh.




"Meet up with Michael."

"You can't tell me what to do.." I say looking back up at him.

"No but you guys can be better friends that way. It'll make things better than being totally clueless of what you guys are at the moment."

"I don't want to be friends, I do know what we are at the moment, and I don't want to see him. Tell him that Brenden."I said with a venom to his name.

"What are you guys then?" He says as his face gets closer to mine.

My breath and heart hitched.

My checks flared with blush and heat.

"Maybe I don't know exactly yet."

"Exactly he says getting away from my face.

"Well I don't want to be friends."

"Why?" He asks.

"I have a reason but I'm not telling you."

"Well tell him." Brenden looks at someone that isn't in my view.

"Hey." He waves.

"Micheal?" I say backing up from the door.


Sorry for long authors note on the beginning but I hope you enjoyed it.

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