22: Team Tension

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The next few days at training were uncomfortable, to say the least. Lucy had been cleared for light drills after the initial scare with her knee, but every movement was cautious, her mind half-focused on the injury and half on the mess of her personal life.

Erin, meanwhile, kept her distance. The distance was deliberate, a protective wall that Erin had built around herself, and Lucy couldn't blame her. She hadn't spoken to Erin since the tackle that had injured her knee. They trained on opposite sides of the field, moving through drills as if the other didn't exist. The rest of the team, though discreet, couldn't help but notice.

During a passing drill, Millie Bright jogged over to Lucy. "You sure you're okay?" she asked, her eyes narrowing as she watched Lucy stretch her leg carefully.

Lucy nodded, wiping sweat from her brow. "Yeah, I'm fine. Just taking it easy."

Millie studied her for a moment, as if trying to decide whether or not to push the conversation further. "You and Erin still not talking?"

Lucy glanced across the field where Erin was, her movements sharp and precise as she kicked the ball back to the coach. "No," she admitted quietly, her stomach knotting. "Not yet."

Millie sighed, crossing her arms. "You know the whole team's noticed, right? I mean, we're not blind. Something's clearly off between you two."

Lucy rubbed the back of her neck, feeling the heat of embarrassment crawl up her face. "Yeah, I figured."

Millie softened her tone. "Look, whatever's going on, you've got to sort it out. This is affecting the team, Luce. We've got big matches coming up, and we can't have this hanging over us."

"I know," Lucy murmured, guilt washing over her. She looked down at her feet, her mind racing. Millie was right—this wasn't just about her and Erin anymore. It was about the team. And if they didn't resolve things soon, it could jeopardize everything they'd been working for.

Across the field, Erin finished the drill and glanced in Lucy's direction for a fleeting second before looking away. That brief eye contact sent a pang of sadness through Lucy's chest. Erin was angry, and rightfully so. But Lucy needed to find a way to talk to her—to fix things before they spiraled any further.

Crossing Lines - a Lucy Bronze storyWhere stories live. Discover now