chapter 3- ummm

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Luy's POV

after bailey said that everyone was just silent and looking between me and tim i mean what else am are they suposed to do they are waiting for an answer
L- umm noooo definetly not i dont love tim i work with tim 
T- yea i dont love lucy
A- mhmh sure you both dont love eah other when this morning you both told me you like each other and the fat tim walked in on luy telling me and jackson that her and tim were planing on taking each others clothes of later soooo
T- i didnt tell you i liked her
L- and i didnt tell you and jakson that  we were gonna take each others clothes of later
J- i beg to differ i mean atleast you can actually flirt with this guy and not make it awkward
L- if you bring up me and flirting again i swear to god
B- sorry for bringing that up its my fault my bad
L- no its ok dw about it
A- its fine they just like being in denial about things so
B- i kinda figured from what i have heard in the past i dont know 10 minutes
J- i like her
No- good because i do too

i have no clue what anyone else is saying because all i can fous on is tim and his handsome face and figure like how can one person be so perfect yet like someone like me i mean look at me im ft and gly just like what emmet said so yea any way im  pulled out of thinking abou tim by Smitty saying
S- gather round everyone its time for a couples dance off requested by the bride and groom so partner up and get your boogie on up first is the bride and groom them selves welcome to the dancce floor angela and wesley
everyone cheers

after a few more couples i hear smitty say
S- now for a couple requested by the bride on her speacial night
uhoh is all i thought i knew what was coming
S- its time for tiiiiiiiimm and lucccccy
and some how everyone cheered for us louder than angela and wesley  i felt the blush reep on my fae i just look at tim and he gives me the knowing nod yk the one thats barely noticable but i can see it from  mile away.
L- lets do this then
T- i guess so
we start dancing and its like a fairy tale
i mean even just just holding onto his neck is amazing, especially when he is holding onto my waist like a fierce protecter and i love it  unfortunatly the song came to  and end so we seperated to hear the cheers and woops we were getting from our friends and family .


That's all for now love you

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