A Bold Introduction

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Part 1

Being captured by a herd was a devastating thought. If they even laid eyes on her, all freedom would be over. Muzzles lifted in her direction. She sucked in a deep breath and froze in place. To her relief, the eyes continued to wander. She chose to live the way she did. No one could dictate her moves or reign in her wild heart. There, wild in the mountains, was where she belonged.

Nibbles raised her muzzle into the sky to suck in a deep breath of wild air. Her heart was pounding as she gazed down at the property below her. She wondered what herd life was like. In that instant she could not help but allow the questions to race through her mind.

Her white head was perfectly chiselled and her white tail was flowing with beauty. She had small peach hooves with a heart full of immense passion and energy. Her name was Nibbles. Although it was not a flashy or glamorous title, it set her apart from others because when she was a newborn filly she would tug on her mother's mane and beg to play.

The hills were wild and free to roam this time of year when the sun was scorching and the water had receded down into the dwindling lakes on the lower terrains. It was there that Nibbles found her home, without a herd, with no one to govern or restrict her movements, and there were certainly no stallions!

Lace Stockings had died only two years ago, leaving Nibbles an orphan. She had been separated from her brother on that same day and their sire had no inclination of where either of them were.

It had been a wild and stormy night with a spider web of lightening continuously flashing in the sky. There was nothing more terrifying than a forest fire where horses had to race for their lives. Nibbles had galloped with all her heart and her brother had split in another direction. Lace Stockings was trapped by falling trees in all the commotion.

Nibbles tried not to let her past haunt her. She was wild and free with no restrictions. Why wouldn't she be content where she was?

Horses popped into view on the horizon. Nibbles dipped her head to keep the sun out of her large brown eyes. She was upwind of them, and if she was not careful, they would easily pick up on her scent.

She took off into the rising sun with her legs easily swooshing underneath her. She glanced back over her shoulder and soon discovered that there were no more horses within her view.

A sigh of relief blew through her mind as her heart leapt with a bit of excitement. Her hooves pounded onto the earth with thuds like thunder as she raced freely through the long expanse of flowing fields.

There were clouds beginning to enshroud the sky with wisps of grey. They were growing darker by the minute and Nibbles could instantly tell that a storm was on the way. She kicked up her hind legs and tore off down into the mountains where there were hidden caves nestled through the land.

Nibbles lowered her head and cautiously nosed her way into a crevasse. She had been there many times during her two years of being on her own, but there was still danger when it was not expected.

Because she had lived in solitude for so long, Nibbles was used to watching over her shoulder at all times.

The gentle hum of rain soon stormed into a full fledged rainstorm with pelting sheets if water racing down from the once sunlit sky. Nibbles moved farther into the maze of crevasses.

As she figured that no other horses would seek her out in the coming torrential downpour, Nibbles took the liberty of dipping her head in a deep crevasse. She breathed easily through her large nostrils and dozed off until the patter of rain subsided and a new dawn approached.

The morning dew was a tremendous blessing during the summer months. The horses gathered wherever water accumulated, and that day, it happened to be pooling directly beside the lone white mare.

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