Chapter 12

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A/N: Y'all.....I'm so sorry I disappeared. You're all going to hate me for this, but I actually forgot my password lol. You're gonna have to give me time to figure out this story again because I have no idea what I was going for when I wrote this half-chapter years ago but here you go~ Enjoy this bit while I sort out my writing

   Yes! Jeff is here to comfort my sorry ass. After all that shit that happened at the school, I kinda see Jeff differently now. It's like seeing your teacher outside of school in Wal-mart; suddenly Ms. WhatsHerFace ain't just Ms. WhatsHerFace, she's a human being just like the rest of us. A human who liked to wear leggings as pants in her free time. 

  Jeff wasn't the scary, creepy-faced , cold-blooded killer he made himself out to be. He's kinda....human. Which is quite frightening, actually. I actually feel sorry for him; why the hell is Slendy on his case?

              Jeff climbed into his hideous truck and I got into the passenger seat without questions. I'm pretty sure Jeff glanced my way, expecting some sort of protest.  No no, not today. Please take me far far away. In fact, if you feel the need to murder me in some street corner, go ahead! Actually no, don't do that. I don't wanna die, but I do want to forget that a bunch of people were killed because of me.

          It had probably been less than an hour of driving when Jeff stopped in front of a building. It looked something like a warehouse with velvet ropes lined one after another until it reached an an entrance. My only guess as to what this place was, was some sort of club. It was dimly lit and eerily quiet when we walked in. I couldn't see past two feet in front of me. Jeff walked closely behind me, occasionally guiding my steps with a gentle push. I was actually beginning to feel slightly panicky. It was dark and quiet, and I had only  a ruthless murderer to keep me company. Of course I had been happy to have Jeff's company only a while before, but now I've become painfully aware that Jeff has viciously murdered countless people; I could be a victim with one wrong move. Honestly, it's a miracle I'm still alive today despite all the crazy things that happened in just a couple days.

        A couple more nudges later, I found myself standing in a circular room full of other people. Jeff closed the door behind him as soon as he was inside and promptly made his way over to the group of people. They had been staring at me as if I was an alien species until Jeff walked in. I don't blame them, though;  I don't even know what I'm doing here.

   The first person to speak was a short little guy who broke the short-lived silence with a rather rude "So, who the hell is this guy?".

That's what I want to ask you

I looked at Jeff for help. His eyes had a strange gleam over them and his entire presence had completely changed. I quickly scanned the room once more, feeling an ever present sense of danger and impending doom.

I think I made a mistake.

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2018 ⏰

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