Chapter 4 ~ you're not gay?

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    I sat at my dinner table unconsciously using my tongue to play with my lip ring, the one on the left side. Jeff the Killer sat across from me. He was leaning back in his chair and staring up at the low ceilings. We didn't really exchange that much words, actually neither of us has spoken since I woke up. Finally after a while, Jeff stopped leaning his chair to look at me.

"Do you know what I hate the most in this world?" He asked suddenly. I creased my eyebrows. Like how the hell am I suppose to know?

"Humans?" I tried answering. He shook his head.

"No, besides humans, I just absolutely hate people who don't have scars.". His alarmingly bright eyes were heavy with black make-up and he shook his head to shake the hair, that undoubtly took many hours perfecting, out of his face.

"Scars? What's wrong with scarless people?" I asked." Doesn't that just mean they're flawless?". He gave me a look that said "Are you serious?".

"Isn't it fucking obvious? People with no scars are fucking fakes and they're also liars" It was almost as if he was trying to tell me something.

What, does he think I'm fake? Well thanks to him I do have scars. Both physical and emotional, so I can't be fake anymore.

The room grew silent again and Jeff went back to amusing himself with his chair. The fact that there was a murderer at my dinner table and I wasn't the least bit bothered by it bothered me. A lot. This is so fucking wrong, I should be calling the cops or something or...or....interrogating him!

Yes! That's what I should be doing!

"Hey Jeff..?" loudly whispered.

"Hm?" He said, suddenly alert. He was probably wondering why I was whispering.

"Tell me your secrets" I whispered again. Jeff only stared at me, he didn't look like he was about to reveal the many secrets of his killings to me.

"Why are you whispering?" He finally implored.

Damn, I knew that it was too weird. Why did I even whisper!? I felt like tearing my hair out, that was so fucking stupid of me. I thought of the only reply I could think to say. So I leaned in over the table and whispered into his ear "Because its a secret..."

His lips curled into a smile and I sat back down in my seat. I couldn't seem to find my comfy spot on the chair and it felt more suffocating to be in the same room with Jeff.

"What do you want to know?" He asked.

 I thought about everything I'd needed to know about a criminal in order for me to put him under custody. Obviously he's already stabbed me multiple times so that would be Assault with a Deadly Weapon, Attempted Murder, and Assault with intent to Kill. Also he had pinned me and kissed me...even though it was just on the cheek it could still be considered as Sexual Assault, or maybe even Rape. And he apparently stalks me as well...this guy's obviously a psychopath o_o and may very well be a pathological liar as well so I should start somewhere that isn't suspicous or else he'll either kill me or just lie to me.

"Your mouth, is it... carved?" I finally decided to ask. His face started to morph back into his killer's face. His silvery blue eyes darkened, his eyelids receded, and his pink lips widened into his carved and eternal smile.

"Yes it is, do you lke? I did it myself" He answered after his transformation was complete. Noticing the horror on my face he started to life like a crazy mad person, which he actually was...

"D-did it hurt...when you did it?" I fearfully continued. I didn't like his answer for the first one, and I had a feeling I wouldn't like his answer for this one either. He contemplated on my question for a while, though I couldn't tell because his face was almost expressionless other than his eternal smile.

Through the eyes of a Murderer (Jeff The Killer Yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now