Chapter 11~

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You know, I'm actually a pretty stupid person. Not intellectually, but when it comes to common sense, I'm a fucking idiot. And you know a person's an idiot when he invites a psychotic murderer into his apartment, and gives him a place to sleep.

Yes, I am referring to myself when I say this. What in the heck is wrong with me...!? A murderer gives me one damned pouty-lipped face, and I take him home with me! Good Job, me. Good job.

I sat up stiffly and stared straight ahead. Because if I a turned my head just slightly, I knew Jeff's breathing body would come into view. For this reason, I did my very best not to turn my head as I got up. I refused to be reminded of my idiocy. I made it safely out my bedroom and rejoiced silently to myself as I stepped into the kitchen, only to come in contact with Jeff.

Wait, JEFF!?

"What the-?!" I yelled. Jeff was standing there eating a bowl of cereal.

"Why are you always doing this...!?" I yelled, my chest was hurting and I had no Idea why. I put my hand over it to calm it down, but it was a useless effort.

"What am I always doing?" he asked with a grin. I only groaned in response when I realized he was eating the last bit of cereal I had.

"My cornflakes..." I whimpered. He was eating my beloved Conflakes. He looked up at me then looked back down at the cereal he was eating. "Jefferson, this shit ain't worth your tears. It's hella nasty" He reassured me. But that wasn't reassuring at all! I was starving!!

I felt something roll down my cheek, then again on my other cheek.

"Woah, are you crying!?" Jeff asked. I shook my head.

"I'm not crying" I denied.

"Yes, you are! Hey, if it's the cereal I can just buy you some more at Wal-Mart..." he offered.

I shook my head. "I'm not crying, I said".

"Aw, come's just cereal" Jeff continued.

"IT'S NOT THE DAMN CEREAL, IT'S YOU" I screamed on top of my lungs. Jeff was silent. You could only hear the sound of him munching thoughtfully on my cornflakes. If he was considerate at all, though, he would have had the sense not to continue eating my cereal while I was in tears (But I really wasn't crying, I swear).

"Are you...", Jeff said after finishing the cereal.

I glared at him, and dared him to finish that sentence.

"'s not the cereal? Pretty sure Wal-mart's open"

I will murder someone. I will murder him.

I turned around and left the kitchen, and when I came back, Jeff was already gone. I was just about to leave anyway because of him, now I don't have to.

Wow, I thought to myself. Thanks for eating all my cereal, then leaving. I appreciate it

I opened my cupboard, and took out a boring nameless brand of cornflakes and poured it into a bowl of cold milk. I brought it to my table and started the slow process of eating tasteless cereal. Flashes of last night's horror were already beginning to haunt me, reminding me of what I'd lost.

Really, what did I even do to deserve this? Exist?

I stood up, suddenly remembering my parents. I hadn't even called them since the last I visited. I think it's safe to blame Jeff for putting me through all this shit and making me unable to call my parents to let them know I'm not dying on a street corner.

I took my phone in my hand and dialed my father's cellphone, knowing he was probably playing Candy Crush Saga and would most definitely pickup.

"Hey dad?" I said as soon as I heard my mother humming really loudly in the background.

"Jeffrey? About time you called, you ungrateful little boy" He answered. I smiled to myself, happy to finally hear a comforting voice and the sound of home in the background. "Yeah, I'm really sorry" I began to explain, coming up with excuses as I went. "I've just had a lot of work to do, and on top of that I have classes I have to study for and it's just been real stressful right now". My dad stayed quiet for awhile, as if he were thinking of a way to comfort me. He was never really good with words anyway so I  saved him the trouble and told him I was alright now.

Even though I was anything but alright.

"Tell ma I said 'Hi'" I said almost solemnly and hung up. I sighed real loud and shaky, letting anxiety take its course and wreak havoc on my mind. Somehow, in the midst of all these mixed frightening feelings of uncertainty, fear, and deep sadness, I found myself wishing Jeff was here. Ever since  I met him there's never been a calm moment in my life, but now it's too lonely whenever he's not  here.

It was like living in a house with a giant sectional couch that swallowed up every inch of space, then suddenly having it gone. The house suddenly feels empty and larger. That's what Jeff was; a giant lumpy sectional couch that liked to swallow up my time and energy and leave me completely drained, only to return the next day to do it all over again.

I think this is why I brought Jeff home with me. I couldn't bear to be alone again, especially after all that happened. I only brought Jeff to comfort me, not to comfort him. Selfish? Yes, very selfish.

The front door opened and closed,and there stood Jeff. Still in his white hoody and jeans, smiling with his stolen lips.

I'm gonna be honest with himself, I was really hoping he would come back and force me to do something idiotic with him, and my wish came true. 

"Get up weak one, we're going on a field trip!" He announced. He then threw a jacket over my face and started pushing me toward the front door.

 A/N: Well this update was well overdue..sorry!

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