Chapter 2 ~ Safe Haven

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 A/N: Jeff the Killer >>>>>>>>>> To dah left, darlings :) or maybe it's the right of you look at it differently.... .-.

Right after leading a trail of blood up and down the stairs, I ransacked my parent's home in search of a First Aid Kit. I found one in the bottom cabinet in the kitchen. Since both my arms were very much wounded, I used my mouth to swiftly wind the bandages around both my arms. Even though I was going pretty fast, it still took a long time and by the time I was finished wrapping myself up, the stew was spurting in all directions.

"Damn!" I said between clenched teeth. I ran to take to pot off the stove and turned it off. I left the mess as it was and went to sit at the dinner table alone...just waiting for my parents to... "finish up", but  they never did. I just sat there watching the stew go stale.

"You know what? YOLO!" I said to myself as spooned the stew into my mouth. I needed to find somewhere to think about my predicament, and my parent's house definitely was not the place to do it. 

I hurriedly shoved the delicious (but still too close to staleness) stew into my mouth. As soon as I was done licking the bowl clean (not literally...) I placed it in the sink and went to the front door. I put my coat on and grabbed my scarf on the way out of the door.

Once I was outside, and away from my  parents' home, a feeling of uneasiness settled in the pit of my stomach. It had begun to get dark and I didn't like that...

Dammit, I should've used my dad's car, he wouldn't have mind at all. I crossed the street and into the town's center, where all the busiest shops were. I walked quickly and briskly, partly because I didn't want to miss my train and another because I didn't want to be here all alone when the multitude of people started dwindling and the shops closed. The thought of being alone scared the living shit out of me. If Jeff were to come back and stab me to death I want there to be witnesses. I want someone to acknowledge my death. I don't want to die alone.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!" My head snapped back at the sound of voices aimed at me. Two teenage boys flicked me off and shoved pass me. I just stupidly waved and apologized.

"Fucking teenagers these days...." I said to myself in a dark voice completely different from my polite apology. I descended the stairs leading to the underground subway or what I liked to call it "A place where fucking crackheads gather and mug people (Sarcastic cheery smile here)".

I chuckled to myself. One of my never ending charms was my humor. HOHOHO. Not to be a dick or anything. I'm just stating the truth.

Once I reached the bottom of the stairwell I felt instant relief right when the train rolled in. I was glad I didn't have to stand here with all these weirdos...Seriously, creepy people liked to visit Dallas.

I stepped onto the train, thankful for the warmth it provided and carefully chose my seat near an exit and next to a lady who looked to be in her late forties.

The train ride was smooth and effortless. Thank god for that 'cause i tend to get motion sickness from just looking at a vehicle. I'm glad I didn't have to puke and embarrass myself in front of all these strangers.

As soon as the train came to my stop, i quickly stood up and got off. It had only occurred to me that i had failed to bring my luggage with me once I was already scrambling for the keys to my apartment.

"Damn!" I loudly whispered to myself as I closed the door and took off my shoes simultaneously. I switched on the light and was instantly depressed. The gloom of my small living room and tiny dining table stared back at me. I walked past them with three quick strides and into my skinny little hallway that tended to get congested with just one person standing in it. At the end of this hallway were two rooms, one tiny bedroom and one tiny bathroom. I opened the door to my one and only bedroom and sighed at the reminder of how poor I was, which ultimately led me back to thinking about my diamond.

"Fuck!" I kicked my door and instantly regretted it after seeing the gaping hole I had just created. I just sighed and shrugged of my coat and unraveled my scarf and threw them next to my makeshift futon.

I hate my fucking life, I thought to myself after gingerly getting under the covers of my worn out comforter. I got out my phone and checked the lock screen for the time. It was only 9:37 and I was already so freaking tired. I avoided the far left corner of my room where the only brand new thing in my apartment stood.

My desk, full of work and assignments due in a matter of days.

I fell into a deep and dreamless sleep as soon as my eyes closed. Despite today's events I felt relief. Sleep was my safe haven.

My only haven

Through the eyes of a Murderer (Jeff The Killer Yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now