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  I wanted to dedicate this to help-me-think-of-one because she created this amazing cover!! So  Thank you!!(:

Also the picture on the side is what i think Arabella will look like-with a little longer hair((:

Chapter  1

Arabella’s POV

Fairy tale.

 A princess and a prince who lived happily ever after.

When you think of a fairy tale that is what you think of right away; isn't it? Who doesn’t think that? Every fairy tale out there always starts with a princess and a prince who end up failing madly in love. Sometimes there may be a lost shoe or a curse that puts you into a deep sleep, but it always ends the same way; with a happily ever after.

 Well, what about me? I’m a princess, but my life is nothing like a fairy tale. I want help people, make my country the best place in the world, but my parents have different a plan. Their perfect daughter was one who always wore designer gowns, only talked to royalty, and one who pretty much, only cared about how often she was on TV.

I wasn't their perfect daughter. I loved my sweats, I was friends with everyone, and I would much rather not be on TV.

 This is my story about my life, and how although I may be a princess, my life is nothing like the Disney movies.


 “Princess, Princess. You must get up.” A soft voice said, nudging me gently. I rolled over, wanting to go back to bed. Nobody knew it, but I got home at three in the morning, which meant I only got five hours of sleep.

 “Five more minutes please.” I begged burying my face in the pillow.

 “Oh no, Princess Arabella. You must get up. You must follow the queen’s orders. You have a very busy day today.” I looked up to see my first lady-in-waiting smiling at me. “You are to meet with the queen, king, and the visiting prime minister, and eat your breakfast with them in an hour. The shower is all ready for you, and I will be here if you need anything, princess.”

 “Yeah thanks,” I said, throwing the covers off me, yawning. She curtsied quickly, and left the room. I was dying to go back to bed, but mom would kill me if I overslept. I quickly jumped out of bed, and walked to my bathroom.

Every time I looked in the mirror I ended up cringing. It wasn't something I could easily avoid, but I tried to turn my head. I wasn't gross looking but I didn't like looking in the mirror because it reminded me of someone I really didn't want to be.

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