Chapter 29

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Dedicated to Bambi_Rivers4 for the wonderful banner!<3

Ch. 29




Time seemed to stand still in that moment.

Instead of her head being pulled back with her bright red locks that I had grown to love I watched in shock all her hair just came off. A wig. It was all a wig. So she really did have a secret.

The shock I felt in that moment was nothing like the shock I would soon be experiencing.

When the wig came off her long dark brown locks seemed to fall from the top of her head down her back.

Suddenly it felt as though the world was spinning around me. All of my irrational thoughts went out the window as she turned and looked at me. One word came to my mind Arabella. If it weren’t for the men holding me up I would have fallen to the ground in the moment.

If I would have been paying more attention I would have noticed the way Annie-now Arabella’s shoulders shook as she let out a sob. I would have noticed that the red on her cheek was giving way to a dark purple bruise. I would have noticed her eyes; how much pain was buried in them. I would have noticed Lizzie starting to scream again. I would have noticed the crowd gasp.

But I didn’t notice any of these things. My mind was still stuck on one fact. This was Arabella. Annie was Arabella. Arabella. Annie. My palms felt sweaty as I realized that this whole time I was falling in love with Arabella.

Then I started to feel joy bubble up in the pit of my stomach. If Annie was really Arabella then that meant I would get to marry her. I would get to marry the girl of my dreams. All the worrying, the stress, it was all for no reason.

All these emotions went through me in less than thirty seconds.

Then the reality of the situation came crashing down like a ton of bricks.

This was her uncle. And he was going to take her. And the throne.

“Oh God.” I repeated Annie-Arabella’s- words from earlier. This was not happening, not now, not like this.

“Well isn’t this fun.” Said her uncle, the man I now knew was Orson. “This girl you all though was ‘Annie’ is really Arabella- the future queen of your country.” His voice dripped with humor although no one else found the situation the least bit funny.

I was still staring at Arabella when I felt his eyes on me, “And you.” He jutted his head out towards me and one of the guards pushed up on my back causing me to stand straighter but also causing my wrist to twist painfully. “You probably thought you were in love with this girl. Right? You thought that you two cou-“

“Stop!” Arabella’s ragged cry interrupted him. “Please just stop it! This was not some game to me ok? This was my life and I get that you want to get the throne so just take me away. Please. Just stop talking and please let him go.” She sobbed, “Please God just let him go.”

Her eyes burned into mine and I don’t know how I didn’t see it before. I wasted so much time and now it’s too late.

 I was about to shout to her who I really was, rip off the sunglass, I don’t know do something but I realized that this was hopeless. He was going to take her no matter what. There was no way I could fight off this many of his ‘guards’.  And it didn’t seem like the other shell shocked people here were going to do anything.

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