Chapter 4

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I am dedicating this to Leanne Q cause she came up with one of the names for this book! She also has some REALLY good works on here so go check her out!!!(:

On the side is a picture of Demtri's parents!


 Ch. 4


“Arabella! It is 9 in the morning and you need to get up!”

I looked up to see my mother and I was shocked to say the least. She has never, and I mean never, woke me up in the morning! “Mom what are you doing in here? You never wake me up.”

“Do not make me seem like a bad mother. Arabella, I had enough of that last night. Now Demtri will be here in two hours and you need to get up.” she said, throwing my covers off of me.

“Wow mom. I get that, but you could have just sent a maid to get me up.” I said still wondering why she was here.

“Can’t a mother get her daughter up in the morning?” she said crossing her arms.

“Yeah but you never have before.” I said under my breath, standing up.

“What did you say?”

“Never mind,” I rolled my eyes.

“Good. Well hop in the shower and don’t take too long. I will have an outfit set out for you when you get out.”

“Oh, ok.” I said, walking to the bathroom.

Part of me was happy that she was doing this; acting like a real mother, but another part of me was not happy because it was my mom. If she was picking out my clothes, then I should be scared. I quickly washed and conditioned my hair, not wanting my mom to spend that much time alone in my closet. I could only imagine what she would say if she found my wig or contacts. We had them really well hidden, but I was still freaking out a little!

“Hey mom,” I said, slowly walking into the closet.

“Oh there you are. Now I have to go get ready but I want you downstairs in your father’s study in an hour.” My mom said, standing up and walking out of the door, “Oh and I will send your ladies in waiting in to help you with your hair and makeup.”

I breathed a sigh of relief as soon as she left but then I quickly got nervous again about what she put out for me to wear. I looked over to one of chairs where she put out my clothes. I saw that she put out a tight, cream color dress that showed a lot of leg and cleavage. I rolled my eyes knowing that this was something my mom would want me to wear. She had also laid out plain diamond studs, bangles, and some matching cream stilettos. It was still super cute, but not really my style.

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