Chapter 3

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And this is a picture of what i think Demtri lokos like- HOT right??? lol!(:

Ch. 2


“Prince Demtri, you must get up.” A voice said, and pushed me slightly.

I groaned, and pushed my face into my pillow even more than it already was. I didn’t get home till after five in the morning last night- or I guess this morning. And, I had a serious hangover. I always knew that I would feel this way, but I still went out like this almost every night.

It was my way to escape, and I knew that it might not be the healthiest way, but it was fun and easy for me. As the hot, young prince, I could get into every bar, and I could get drinks for free, usually. Another plus was that I could get girls so easily. It was almost funny. They just came up to me, and all it took was one word for them to go to some hotel with me.

“Prince Demtri, I have your breakfast and some medication here, but you must get up. You have a busy day. You can’t be late again.” The same voice said.

I looked up to see a young girl, maybe 14, holding a tray filled with all of my favorite things to eat, and two pills next to a glass of water. I sat up, took the pills and grabbed the tray quickly, eating a few pieces of bacon. I grabbed a pancake before, giving the tray back to the maid waiting by my bed.

“Hey. Do you know when I have to be ready by?” I asked, getting up and rubbing my eyes. I heard her gasp, and I looked up to see her staring at my chest. I smirked when I realized that I was only in boxers. I cleared me throat, hoping to get her attention.

“Oh. have to be ready in 30 minutes, Sir.” She said, blushing and running out of the room.

I laughed as she ran out of the room. I was used to this reaction from girls, but it was still quite funny. I didn’t like to brag, but I was quite hot. My father was apparently very good looking when he was my age, and it did help that my mom used to model also. I got great genes, plus I loved to work out, so it was natural for me to have a great body. I had dark brown hair and light blue eyes; I also had tan skin year round.

My head was still killing me. I slowly walked into the bathroom and stumbled into the shower so it would wake me up more. I wasn’t sure how long it took me to shower, but I didn’t really care. If I was late, who cared? Mom and dad can suck it! I was tired and crabby. I just wanted to go back to bed- not be stuck in a meeting, like I probably would be.

As the prince and future king of the country, that was all I did. Either I was in meetings, or I was doing public appearances and junk that I hated to do. I didn’t want to be king. My younger brother Chris could probably do a lot better at it than I could. But, unfortunately, I was born first, so I was future king.

I stepped out of the shower, and grabbed a pair of jeans and a shirt, not bothering to look at them as I threw them on. I knew that mom would be mad. I could imagine her scolding me, saying that this wasn’t appropriate, but I didn’t really care. I brushed my teeth and messed my hair up in the way I liked. Absentmindedly, I walked down the halls to the library were I knew my parents would be.

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