Chapter 18

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This is dedicated to imaginewriterlove for making me the banner on the side! thanks girl(:

Ch. 18


The gentle hum of the airplane probably would have rocked me to sleep, if it were not for the loud music coming from the seat next to me. I opened my eyes and glared at Arabella’s resting figure. Her head was laying against the seat and her earphones where in her ears at what seemed like full blast.

Last night was a long night and I wanted nothing more than to fall asleep but I couldn’t do that with Taylor Swift blaring loudly right next to me. I had tried to get her attention more than once but she kept her eyes squeezed shut and pretended that she hadn’t heard me.

I never minded Taylor Swift before this but after two and a half hours of listening to her sing I was ready to strangle her if I ever actually saw her.

We had to stay in our seat because of a storm we were passing through but I didn’t see the reason why. They had the best pilots flying and I knew they had flown in worse conditions. I tried to get up a couple times already but the flight attendant would stare at me until I sat back down.

I always thought that flight attendants were young hot chicks but the one glaring at me right now must be at least my grandmothers age and I was pretty sure one of her eyes were fake. I glared at her until she looked away; I was the prince after all. I made a mental not to fire her as soon as I was king.

It got quiet all of a sudden and I was sure that her playlist ended. I scouted down in my seat getting comfortable. I closed my eyes and felt myself drift into sleep. I was almost there when I heard the music start up again.

I groaned out loud and another song started again. You have got to be kidding me! Was she doing this just to annoy me? I have a feeling that she was. I got up out of my seat and headed to the private room totally ignoring the flight attended.

The plane was a little bit smaller than my old one but it seemed nicer on the inside. I knew that this wasn’t there only plane but it was one of the nicer ones. Qatar is a rather wealthy country and they had one of the lowest poverty rates so it didn’t surprise me that they so had many nice planes.

It wasn’t like my country wasn’t rich like Qatar, because we were. While here is Qatar they were rich in money we were rich in ‘the arts’. Well that’s what my mom said it anyways. We always seem to have a ton of singers, artists, and authors come out of Croatia. We were known for our sculptures that seemed to be on every street corner.

I did miss walking down the cobblestone streets of Croatia and seeing all of the family owned shops. I missed the people who you could hear running and laughing up and down the streets, the dogs that would scurry in between your feet looking for any food that you have.

The more time I spent in Qatar the more I realized how different our two countries are. Here you would never see people riding their bikes to work; no they would be taking one of their hundred thousand dollar cars. People here were judged on the brand names of their clothes not the originality of them.

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