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The early morning light filtered through the cracked window casting dull shadows across Ethan Blackwoods cramped bedroom . His back ached, the sting of last nights beating still fresh across his skin , he lay on the floor on a thin blanket barely thick enough to shield him from the cold wooden boards beneath him . His "bed" was nothing more than a dusty corner in the attic , furnished with a pillow so flat it might as well not exist . The attic smelled of damp wood and mildew, and with every breath, the dust seemed to claw his lungs .

Ethan winced as he pushed himself up, the familiar throb of pain shooting up his side . His uncle had used the belt again . It wasn't the first time, and ethan doubted it would be the last . The crack of leather still echoed in his ears followed by the sharp sting and his uncle's gruff voice booming in his head .

"Worthless boy . You are nothing but trouble . You think you are going to get away by slacking off ? "

He dragged himself on his feet, trying to shake off the memories of last night . The attic door creaked open, and a set of heavy footsteps thudded upstairs . It was his cousin Kevin, Older ,Bigger, and meaner

"Get up, loser " Kevin barked , kicking over the bucket of cold water that was meant to serve as Ethans bath ," Mom wants you downstairs now" .

Ethan clenched his jaw and nodded , not daring to meet Kevin's gaze . He didn't have the energy to endure another fight--- not that it would be a fight . It would be one-sided, with Ethan taking most of the blows .

Ethan shuffled down the stairs and into the kitchen, where his aunt stood with a scowl on her face. Clara Blackwood was a hard women with a permanent sneer etched into her features . She glanced at Ethan with disgust as he entered , her lips curling into a sneer .

"You're late", she snapped. "The floors are filthy, and the dishes haven't been done. Did you think that you could sleep in today ? You've got a lot of work to do".

"Yes Aunt Clara", Ethan mumbled keeping his head low, his body ached, but he forced himself to move quickly

The kitchen was spotless, but to Aunt Clara it was never clean enough . She scrutinized every inch of the house, finding the tiniest speck of dust to criticize . Ethan's hands were already raw from scrubbing , but she didn't care .

As he got to work, his stomach growled loudly . He hadn't eaten since the small portion of bread and water they had given the night before . Breakfast for him was always the scrapes, if there were any . He glanced toward the table where Kevin and his younger sister Jessica, sat, happily shoveling pancakes into their mouths . The warm smell of syrup, filled the air, making his hunger unbearable.

Kevin caught Ethans glance and smirked," Look at him Jess, You think if we throw him some scraps , he'll act like a dog and beg ?"

Jessica giggled, looking up from her plate," He probably would ! Pathetic"

Ethans stomach churned with shame, but he kept his head down ,focusing on the floor he was scrubbing.

Aunt Clara's voice snapped him out of his thoughts."Ethan stop daydreaming and finish the dishes . I want everything spotless before your uncle gets home" .

His hand trembled as he stood to his feet, the pain from the previous night making every movement feel like fire . He started washing the dishes , the cold water numbing his fingers . His eyes burned not just from exhaustion but from the sheer helplessness of it all . This was his life --- a life of cleaning , scrubbing and enduring their cruelty.

As he reached for the last dish, a sharp slap struck the back of his head . He yelped in surprise, nearly dropping the plate .

"Faster", Aunt Clara barked , glaring at him as if he was nothing but a piece of dirt beneath her shoe," I swear, you're useless . If I'd known you were going to be such a burden , I would've sent you off to an orphanage years ago "

Ethans eyes stung with tears , but he blinked them away . He wouldn't let them see him cry . He couldn't. He finished the dishes , dried his hands on his tattered shirt , and turned back to Aunt Clara, who shoved a long list of chores into his hands

"Take this . The garden needs weeding, the windows needs cleaning , and Kevin's room is a mess . You'd better be done before your uncle gets home , or you'll regret it"

Ethan nodded, his throat tight . He was always in trouble , always on the verge of punishment . It didn't matter how hard he worked . It was never enough.

The day dragged on , the sun high in the sky by the time Ethan made it outside to the garden . His back screamed in protest as he bent down to pull the weeds , his fingers numb and raw from the cold soil. Sweat dripped down his face , and the hunger gnawed at him relentlessly , but he kept working.

As he reached the far corner of the garden, he heard the rumble of an engine . His heart sank , his uncle was home.

The front door slammed open and Ethan froze, his pulse quickening . He hurried inside , wiping his dirt- streaked hands on his pants as he entered the house . His uncle Marcus George, stood by the door, his massive frame taking up most of the entryway . His face was red with anger , and in his hand , he held the belt .

"You didn't finish the windows , boy" Marcus growled, stepping towards him .

Ethans breath caught in his throat , "I-I was about to start-"

Before he could finish , the belt snapped through the air , catching him across the air . The pain exploded through his body , and he stumbled , barely catching himself before he hit the floor .

" You think you can just take your time, huh ? " Marcus snarled, hitting him again. "You think this is a game?"

"No, uncle, I am sorry--" Ethans words were cut off by another lash of the belt

The pain was unbearable , but Ethan bit his lip , refusing to scream . He wouldn't give them the satisfaction . Marcus hit him again, and again , until Ethans vision blurred with tears and the taste of blood filled his mouth from biting down to hard .

Finally, after what felt like an eternity, Marcus stopped . Ethan lay, curled on the floor , his entire body trembling . The weight of it all pressed down on him- the pain , the hunger , the hopelessness.

Marcus stood over him , breathing heavily . " Get up, you're not done yet"

Ethan forced himself to his feet , his legs shaking beneath him . He wiped at his eyes , trying to clear his vision , but the world still seemed to spin around him .

"Finish the windows" Marcus ordered. And if they're not spotless by dinner , you will get double of what you got today ".

" Yes sir ", Ethan whispered, his voice hoarse . He didn't dare look at Marcus as he turned and stumbled towards the windows .

He cleaned for hours , the pain in his back growing worse with every movement . By the time he finished , the sun had set, and the house was dark . He could hear his family laughing and talking in the dining room, the clinking of silverware on plates, but he knew better than to join them .

Instead he crept back to the attic , his sanctuary of silence . He curled up on the hard floor , pulling the thin blanket over his battered body , and tried to shut out the world .

His stomach growled in protest , but he ignored it . There was no food for him tonight . There never was .

In the quite of the attic, with only the sound of his own ragged breathing to keep him company. Ethan stared at the ceiling and let the tears fall . He cried silently , his chest heaving with sobs he dared not let anyone hear . He cried not just from the pain of the beatings but from the overwhelming loneliness that suffocated him . No one cared about him . No one ever had .

He was utterly and completely alone .

And as the darkness swallowed him whole , Ethan wondered how much longer he could keep going like this . How much longer he could survive in this nightmare .

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