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The sun hung low in the sky, casting a dull, golden glow over New Haven’s cracked streets. The city was alive with activity, its constant buzz of cars, vendors, and pedestrians filling the air. Ethan Blackwood weaved through the crowds, clutching the grocery list his aunt had given him that morning. His stomach still churned from the meager breakfast, a stale slice of bread he’d managed to sneak before leaving the house. His body ached with every step, a dull reminder of the belt marks that crisscrossed his back from the night before.

He couldn’t afford to be late today. Not again.

The memory of his uncle’s anger was still fresh in his mind. Last time, Marcus hadn’t hesitated to drag him to the shed and make him pay for arriving a few minutes late. Ethan shuddered at the thought and quickened his pace, keeping his eyes down, avoiding the gazes of the busy city folk. He wasn’t in the mood for more beatings or lectures from his aunt, who always had something nasty to say about how he was a burden or a waste of space.

Ethan focused on the list in his hand, mentally checking off each item as he moved from store to store, carrying the weight of his family’s indifference on his thin shoulders. Milk, eggs, flour, vegetables—each item was another reminder that he existed only to serve. His body was just a tool for them to use. A machine for chores.

It was an unusually warm day, and by the time he reached the small corner store to pick up the last item, sweat had started to gather on his brow. He paid the cashier, stuffed the groceries into a worn-out cloth bag, and stepped back into the street, ready to head home.

As he passed the narrow alleyway that ran between two crumbling buildings, a faint sound caught his ear. A soft, pitiful cry. Ethan paused, his heart skipping a beat. He looked around, scanning the area for the source of the noise. Then, in the corner of the alley, he spotted it—a small, injured cat.

It was lying on its side, its fur matted with dirt and blood, one paw awkwardly twisted beneath its tiny body. Ethan’s heart clenched. Without a second thought, he knelt beside the creature, setting the grocery bag down as he reached out gently.

“Hey there,” he whispered, his voice soft as he extended a hand. “It’s okay. I’m not going to hurt you.”

The cat let out another weak cry, its bright eyes wide with fear. Ethan could see the pain in its movements, the way its body trembled with every shallow breath. Carefully, he scooped the animal into his arms, cradling it against his chest. He could feel its small heart beating rapidly against his skin, and he knew he couldn’t just leave it there. But what could he do? He had no money, no resources to help it.

“I’ll figure something out,” Ethan muttered, more to himself than the cat.

He stood there for a moment, staring down at the injured creature. Lost in thought, he didn’t notice the low murmur of voices coming from deeper in the alley until it was almost too late.

Ethan froze, his ears straining to catch the conversation. He wasn’t sure why, but something about the tone of the voices made the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. Slowly, cautiously, he crept closer, careful to keep himself hidden in the shadows. His heart pounded in his chest as he listened.

“You sure it’s going to go down tonight?” one of the men asked in a hushed voice.

“Positive,” the other replied, his tone cold and authoritative. “We’ve got everything in place. Once the signal’s given, it’ll all be over. The political landscape will shift overnight.”

Ethan’s breath caught in his throat. Political landscape? Over? What were they talking about? He glanced around, trying to get a better look at the two men without being seen. They were both dressed in dark clothing, their faces obscured by the shadows of the alley.

“I don’t like it,” the first man muttered. “It feels... messy. What if someone finds out?”

“They won’t. Everything’s been arranged. You’re getting cold feet now? After everything we’ve done?”

Ethan’s heart raced, his mind spinning. What are they talking about? He knew he should leave, but his feet felt glued to the spot. Something about their conversation was too strange, too dangerous. He had to know more.

“Just stick to the plan,” the second man continued. “Once the leader’s taken care of, we’ll have the power we need. No more obstacles. No more interference.”

Ethan’s stomach twisted in fear. Taken care of? Were they planning to kill someone? A political leader, no less? His pulse quickened, and he took a step back, wanting nothing more than to run, to put as much distance between himself and these men as possible.

But in his panic, his foot struck a discarded metal can, sending it clattering across the pavement.

The sound echoed through the alley like a gunshot.

Both men went silent, their heads snapping toward the noise. Ethan’s heart stopped. For a split second, he stood frozen, his mind screaming at him to move. Then, as if suddenly waking from a nightmare, he turned and bolted.

“Hey!” one of the men shouted. “Get him!”

Ethan’s legs moved before his mind could fully process what was happening. He sprinted down the street, his breath coming in ragged gasps as he darted around corners and through crowded sidewalks. The injured cat was still cradled in his arms, its frightened meows barely audible over the sound of his own pounding heart.

He could hear footsteps behind him, growing louder with every passing second. They were chasing him—really chasing him. If they caught him... Ethan didn’t even want to think about what would happen.

He pushed himself harder, his legs burning as he raced down an empty alley. His mind was a whirlwind of panic, fear, and confusion. What had he just stumbled into? What were those men planning? And why were they willing to chase down a random teenager to keep it a secret?

A sharp pain shot through his side, and Ethan winced, his breath hitching as the memory of last night’s beating flared up in his mind. He wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep running.

Suddenly, a pair of strong hands grabbed him from behind, yanking him off his feet. Ethan let out a startled cry as he was pulled backward, his body slamming into a brick wall. The cat slipped from his arms, landing on the ground with a soft thud as Ethan struggled against his captor.

“Let me go!” he yelled, but the man’s grip was like iron.

“Shut up, kid,” the man growled. “You’re coming with us.”

Before Ethan could scream again, a cloth was pressed over his mouth and nose. His vision blurred, and the world around him started to spin. He fought against the darkness, but it was no use. Within moments, everything went black.


When Ethan awoke, his head was pounding, and his mouth felt dry as sand. He blinked groggily, his vision slowly coming into focus. He was no longer outside. The alley was gone, replaced by a large, dimly lit room that smelled of dust and stale air. His hands were tied behind his back, and the cold, hard floor beneath him made his body ache even more than it already did.

Panic surged through him as the events of the chase flooded back into his mind. He’d been caught. The men—those dangerous men—had taken him somewhere. But where? And why?

A low voice cut through the haze of his thoughts.

“Well, well, well... what do we have here?”

Ethan turned his head and found himself staring at a tall, imposing figure standing in the doorway. The man’s features were sharp, his eyes cold and calculating as they bore into Ethan.

“Who... who are you?” Ethan stammered, his throat tight with fear.

The man took a few steps closer, a smirk playing at the corner of his mouth.

“My name is Rowan Casey,” he said. “And you, boy, have just found yourself in a very dangerous situation.”

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