Chapter Twenty-One: Let the Games Begin Part III

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After arriving to the Wizard Games Colosseum, the pegai flew back to Sami's aunt's ranch and the gang registered for the Wizard Games. It was a very long wait at the registration stand, but it was worth it (except for Troy who was carrying Jesse on his back now because he was still asleep and he lost Rock Paper Scissors). When it was their turn to register, they had to pick a team name and list all of the members of the team. The gang decide to name their team "The Magical Elements II" or just "Magical Elements". After filling out the registrations, they each received a hotel room pass card, a Wizard Games rule book, a pamphlet that showed areas such as the infirmary, the hotel and the colosseum. The gang was supposed to stay in the colosseum until registration hours were over so they can hear the rules of the games from the Game masters like every year, so they decided to mingle with the other teams.

"Y'know despite the incident from last year, a lot of wizards turned up here," said Ellen, "I didn't expect to see a lot of wizards here."

"We just to keep looking sharp," said Lily, "if it turns out like last year, we need to be prepared."

Everyone nodded in agreement.

"Hey Barry, over here!" Said a familiar voice.

Barry and the rest of the gang turned and were surprised to see who the owner of the voice was. The three boys that are friends with Barry and whose butts that were kicked by the girls in the magic duel they had when they met Barry waved their arms in the air and came over to them. Barry's friends were Brady, Ryder and Sawyer. Brady has blonde hair, brown eyes and fair skin. He wore robe with a dark blue torso and hood, gray long sleeves and it was dark blue below the waistline with a gray trim and he wore gray boots. Ryder had red hair, blue eyes and olive skin. He wore a robe that had a black torso and sleeves with a yellow trim and yellow below the waistline with a black trim. He also wore black boots. Sawyer had black hair in a short ponytail, dark skin and dark brown eyes. He wore a red robe with black trims, a red hood and black boots. The girls groaned when they walked over to them.

"Not these losers again!" Said Lily.

"Hey!" Complained the boys, "we are not losers, right Barry?"

"Actually guys, no offense but you guys do act like losers sometimes," said Barry, "sorry."

The three boys crossed their arms.

"Some friend you are," said Brady.

"Oh c'mon, don't take it like that," said Barry, "believe me, Jesse has called us way worse things and we're still friends"

"You two are roommates, it's different," said Ryder, "besides, Jesse is a jerk."

"Just be glad that he's asleep or else you'd be on your knees begging for mercy right now," said Sami.

"Wait a minute, aren't you that girl who threw our clothes in the lake?" Asked Sawyer.

Ryder snapped his fingers. "Yeah, she's that girl who threw our clothes in the lake and ran off saying 'Serves you right, suckers!'"

"What was your name?" Asked Brady, "was it Tami? Mami? Bambi?

Sami's eyes flashed orange with anger.

"My name is Sami!" Yelled Sami.

They cringed in fear.

"Okay, chill. We forgot," said Brady.

"Geez, she's more of a hothead then Jesse," whispered Ryder.

Sami threw a fireball at him and set the bottom of his robe on fire.

"I heard that...." she growled.

Ryder quickly patted down the fire to put it out. Sami felt pain while Ryder tried to put out the fire but she endured it.

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