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5 WEEKS HAVE passed since arthur and maddies kiss. they hadn't spoke at all, not one word, arthur seemed to be having a good time travelling europe and maddie had been doing something really exciting. over the past few weeks she had been out a lot, really going out of her comfort zone, she had been in a lot more videos with everyone becoming more comfortable in front of the camera, she felt completely comfortable with all the friends she had made. Obviously she was still a anxious person but overtime she got close with quite a few people and spent 99 percent of her time with them, and lily of course. 

her dream was always to open a flower shop, and she was finally doing it, it took her a while to get ready to start looking because she was settling in to her new city, new house and new friends. but due to her recent small heartbreak she decided she wasn't going to sit and cry over a boy, never once in her life has she let a boy stress her out, her and lily were alike in that way, lilys mum always taught them that they were the prize and no boy should ever make them feel bad.

over the past five weeks she had found the most perfect shop in the most perfect area, it was all she ever dreamed of, she found such a good flower supplier who was a lovely woman called olivia and she had the most gorgeous flowers. maddie never went to uni so she never had a degree or anything, when she lived in jersey she worked in a flower shop who was run by a sweet old woman jackie, unfortunately jackie died a year before she moved to london and maddie didn't have enough money to take over her shop, so it got turned into a coffee shop. just before maddie moved she had 0 idea how she was going to create a flower shop but she knew thats what she wanted to do. just before she moved lilys mum, who was practically her own, decided she was going to give maddie the money to get her business going, she said no at first she could never accept that amount of money but after a lot of convincing from everyone she agreed and could not be more grateful.

it was the first day of her flower shop being open, she named it jackies flowers, after the woman who was like a grandma to her. the shop already had some publicity because all her friends had posted and she did too. she was doing one trial day as everyone had warned her now she did have quite a following and everyone had posted it there was a good chance that a lot of people were going to turn up. 

it was 5am, maddie had got up and got ready and headed to her shop, which was only a 15 minute walk from her flat. she listened to gracie abrams as she strolled taking in view of the sunset. she was so excited this had been her dream since she was 7 when she first met Jackie, and then when she was 12 she started working in the shop voluntarily just because she loved it. jackie at first would pay her with sweets but as she got older she did start earning money. 

she had also hired a lovely young girl aimee, she was only 17 but she also loved flowers and seemed very hard working. she got to the shop and set up, making all the flowers look perfect, making sure there were no imperfections. aimee got there to help out around 8 am, she didn't want to make her come in the same time as her because it seems mean, and also because she wanted to do most of it her own way. 'morning aimee are you excited'

'i really am' aimee smiled, she was such a lovely girl, she remined maddie a lot of herself when she was that age.

'okay good, lily is going to be coming in at opening time to help out'

'okay good, its going to get really busy'

'hopefully' the idea of her business setting off was so exciting, half to make herself proud. half to make lilys mum proud and be able to pay her back. she wasn't fussed about her mum being proud of her, they barely spoke, maybe a quick catch up once a month but that was it.

everything was set up and ready and there was already a small line outside. she couldn't help but wonder what arthur was up to, what he would think if he found out about her doing this, they had quite a lot of conversations about her opening her shop, he was so excited for her and promised he would be here for the opening day when she did open, but obviously he wasn't going to be.

lily arrived and george came to help out where he could but he wasn't too much help he knew nothing about flowers or running a shop, he was just standing there and looking pretty. him and lily still hadn't made it official but they basically lived together, the shop opened and it was non stop for the rest of the day, maddie was so happy and in awe of this experience she basically forgot to be worried, she just couldn't stop thinking about how proud she was making herself, lilys mum and jackie.

by the end of the day all the flowers were gone, she had sold out on her first day, she was getting tagged in hundreds of photos and story's of people saying how much they loved there flowers, it made it so happy. she had hoped that maybe somehow arthur would turn up to support her like he promised but he didn't. she wasn't shocked, he kissed her and said it was a mistake and then never texted her again and went to europe. she knew soon he would he coming home, that made her slightly nervous but her gameplan was just to act like nothing had happened, but she wouldnt be able to act buddy buddy with him, there was no going back.

'im so proud of you maddie'

'yeah me too maddie this was really great' george and lily were all smiles, genuinly so proud of the girl.


im actually loving writing this but coming up with storylines omg it is not easy, also who else is loving maddie coming out her shell!!

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