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MADDIE TOLD LILY to get ready and told her the plans, she got ready and waited on the sofa with lily for arthur to message her. 'so arthur?' lily questioned.

'he's nice, he's interesting'


'nope not doing that there is nothing there were friends'

'maddie you've never liked a boy, you've never had a boyfriend every boy that's ever shown interest in you your not interested this is the only boy one, you've ever spoke to me about even if its only a little, two when i mentioned his name your face lit up three you don't just make random friends this is literally the first person you've ever met and became friends with without it being one of my friends you always say the right one will come when you don't expect it, did you expect to meet a boy on a roof?'

'well no but'

'but nothing maddie, i think you like him'

'i've known him less then 24 hours lily'

'and? you will realise soon that i'm right' these words did make maddie think for a bit, she knew lily was right, she hasn't ever became friends with someone on her own and every time she did think of arthur she did smile, but she was unsure she's only known him one day. she didn't think someone like arthur would ever be interested in her anyway. her thoughts were interrupted by her phone beeping, it was arthur saying they were outside. 

they all greeted each other and walked to the restaurant.  nothing interesting was said just basic small talk. they got to the restaurant and all sat down, lily george and issac sat on chairs one side, arthur and maddie sat on a booth style chair sat the other, carefully planned to happen by george and issac. the waiter was taking drink orders and everyone said theirs.

' 2 southern comfort and lemonades please' lily said to the waiter prdering for maddie too because she knows she doesn't like it. arthur ordered a pint but seemed to have a smile on his face the whole time. 'do you always just smile arthur?' lily questioned thinking it was slightly odd the boy was smiling so much

'he's smiling because you and maddie just ordered his favourite drink' george laughed 

'you drink southern comfort and lemonade' maddie thought this drink lily and her often drink was very odd so it was surprising that someone else drank it

'yeah its my favourite' arthur gave george evil eyes across the table because he just outed him smiling at something kind of stupid and he was now slightly embarrassed. everyone ordered food and had many differnt conversations, maddie actually spoke for once which lily was shocked by shes never seen her be so confident. 'go on you ask I'm telling you i know the answer' lily said quietly to george after her george and issac had a conversation sneakily but maddie heard lily say that.


'yes george'

'right so, tomorrow I'm filming a video for my channel, were doing a drunk bake-off video'


'me, lily, issac, arthur, and the other arthur'

'sounds fun' by this point maddie had kind of guess what was about to be asked

'were one person short would you like to join?' 

'thanks george but youtube isn't really my thing'

'come on maddie it would be so fun, you've been in some of mine and plus theres many people there so its kinda easier the focus isn't just on us'

'i don't know lily you know I'm not great at talking to the camera'

'you never know maddie you could really enjoy it, and plus really think about it you'll be with a partner so they can just take the spotlight' arthur moved his hand onto maddies thigh for comfort, he could tell she felt slightly uncomfortable. maddie took a few seconds to think and arthurs point did make sense, she was going to be paired with someone who could just speak more

'ok fine ill do it' lily had never had a bigger smile on her face, she was so happy her best friend seemed to be enjoying London and coming out of her shell. they finished there dinner and had a great time all talking and laughing for hours. her and arthur learnt a lot more about each other.

they all headed back towards lily and maddies flat where they said goodbye, isaac left from the restaurant in a uber because he lived the other direction but george and arthur were going to ride lime bikes. george and lily were a little further ahead, george and lily were saying goodbye and seemed to have a really passionate hug.

'maybe they really do have a crush on each other' maddie laughed at arthurs comment knowing it was 100% true. maddie and arthur started saying goodbye, george had walked a little further towards some bikes and lily had gone in. arthur wrapped his arms around maddies waist and hers around his neck, a warm sensation filled her stomach, something she had never felt before.

'today was fun, again' arthur said quietly while still hugging the girl

'yeah it was' she slightly pulled away and smiled at him

'I'm glad we met mads'

'me too arthur'

they finished saying goodbye and arthur headed towards george

'you like her don't you' george smiled asking genuinely this time not making fun of him

'yeah i think i do' arthur said and just carried on. the whole way home maddie was on his mind, why does he like her after one day? telling himself he needs to get over it and she would never like him. 


i am now aware i have spelt isaac wrong every time, from now on i will spell it right ahahaha

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