twenty one

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'ARTHUR?' SHE STANDS behind him, he heard his name and knew the voice straight away. he didn't say anything he just half smiled. 'can i sit?'

'yeah' his voice has a hint of sadness in it, not really sadness but he sounds fed up.

'are you okay?' she questioned

'yeah' while talking his eyes never moved from the sea, he didnt look at the girl once, his body tense and his voice sounding like he would rather do anything then be sat with maddie right now

'have i done something'


'arthur' maddie found herself getting annoyed that the boy was acting this way towards her.

'what maddie what' his voice becoming angrier but she couldnt understand why, what had she done. maddie had a hard time when people were mad at her or being off with her, growing up with parents who so obviously had a problem with her she couldnt deal with not knowing what she had done, it brought her right back to jersey, all her life, sometimes thing would be okay but most of the time the girl would come home from school and all of a sudden she was her mums worst enemy.

maddie was at school in year 10, 15 years old, for once she had a good morning, her mum made her breakfast instead of her having to make it herself, they sat at the table just her and her mum and her mum asked her how school was going. doesnt sound like much but for maddie and her mum it was. 'hows school going?' she asks while eating her cereal, maddies caught of guard, assuming they were just going to sit in silence like normal.


'Just good?'

'uh yeah ive joined the netball team with lily for something to do im enjoying it'

'oh thats nice, hows lily?' they spoke for atleast 15 minutes and maddie really enjoyed it, her mum never showed interest in her life, her mum dropped her off at school instead of her walking like she would normally and she had a really good day at school.

she walked home with lily and turned down going to lilys after school like she normally would, hoping deep down maybe she could spend some more time with her mum.

'mum im home.. mum?' she enters her house looking around saying mum trying to find her.

'will you shut up maddison' she heard a angry voice coming from the kitchen. she knew this would happen.


'i got a call from school today saying that you failed a maths exam are you stupid?? its that lily shes distracting you from your work your exams are next year maddie do you want to be a failure at the rate your going you will be your so lucky i dont send you off to a boarding school somewhere else thats what you deserve your 4 year old sister is probably smarter then you i dont understand how you can be so stupid actually i do because all you do is go hang out and play happy familys with lily and her mum well guess what maddison her mum isnt the great person you think she is and you will never be a part of their family like you prentend you are..' she goes on and on and on screaming in her face. maddies eyes fill with tears, her own mum tslking to her that way all because she failed a exam. She didn't eat that night she just went up and slept. She hated herself for falling for her mums trap every time

Arthur's tone reminded her of all the troubled times she had with her mum. Her head filled with all the unhappy memories she had from her childhood. She sat for a second a thousand thoughts in her head, planning on just running away. Unsure on whether it was the alcohol talking or she was just fed up, she decided to stick up for herself for once.
' no Arthur I'm not doing this I haven't done anything why are u acting this way, you saw me talking to a boy and now your acting weird with me why? This is your fault anyway you hurt me. You walked away. You kissed me and walked away told me it was a mistake told me it didn't mean anything and then didn't speak to me for a month, you didn't even tell me you were going Arthur. I get it ok it meant nothing to you but it.. it meant something to me ok' tears now filling her eyes, having no idea what she just said it just kind of came out. Both standing there staring, Arthur's mouth opening slightly no words coming out.
'I honestly.. It just.. it hurt Arthur from the moment I met you I liked you and I've never felt that before ever I've never liked someone not the way I liked.. like you and it was unfair that you.. you just walked away it was so obvious I liked you and then you just left'
'I didn't know'
'You didn't know what Arthur that it would hurt me? Of course it would' words spilling out her mouth uncontrollably while he just stood there no emotion showing on his face


I did something different this chapter I want to go deeper in her childhood, hope you enjoyed it

Be exited for next chapter ;)))

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