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Slowly peeks out of the water and looks at Eijiro "he took some of my scales.."

"I'm so sorry, I'll try to be here even earlier tomorrow okay?" He said and looked at him, petting his head.

Pulls myself out of the water and hugs Eijiro tightly.

He just hugged him back with a smile "but are you alright besides that?"

"I can defend myself pretty well in the water.. though I don't think the other humans would like that.."

"You are allowed to defend yourself, of course they don't like it but it's fine" he said with a smile.

Buries my face against Eijiro as my ears wiggle a little.

"Are you hungry?" He asked with a smile "I have a few fish again" he said softly "I will get you something else to try later"

"I am pretty hungry.. I ate all the fish yesterday.. my kind do tend to eat a lot.."

He nodded and showed him.the bucket "There you go" he said with a smile "Today I'm gonna show you fruit. But eat your fish first" he smiled.

Nods happily before putting my face in the bucket of fish and picks up a few fish and just starts ripping into them.

He just takes out his phone and checks his messages while the other eats and just answers a few texts.

Finishes all the fish in the bucket and ends up having fish blood and guts on my hands and mouth.

He just looked over at him "Can you go in the water to clean up?" He said with a sigh and quickly looked back over at his phone.

Crawls over to the water and splashes some water on my mouth and hands.

"Thank you" he said and put his phone away again "feeling less hungry?" He chuckled.

Shrugs a little before crawling back to Eijiro and places my head on his lap.

He smiled and looked down at him before going on his phone again "Do you need to drink stuff? Like do you actually drink?" He asked, just curious.

"Hmm, I've really tried anything before, I could try something today?"

Yeah sure I will try to get you some juice" he lied and looked down at him "Is it okay if I take a picture of you? I'll just keep it to myself I promise"

"It's alright just as long as you don't show it to anyone.. I don't want other humans coming here.."

"I wont show anyone I promise" he smiled and looked down at him "smile for me okay?"

Look up at Eijiro and at him, showing some of my sharp teeth.

He quickly took a picture and then put his hand away "Thank you. Should I swim with you for a bit?"

Nods happily "should you put on that thing?" Points over at a diving suit on the wall crawls back to the water and dives in.

"I will put on the suit but I won't put the oxygen on, I don't know how to put it on" he said with a chuckle and stood up before going over and getting in a separate room to properly change.

Starts swimming around the tank happily and sees people by the glass so I swim over to the glass.

He soon walks out and stretches a bit to get comfortable in the suit and goes to the platform and sees him teaching with people and just stays up there for now.

Looks up towards the platform and grabs the grabby hands for Eijiro, wanting him in the water.

He just went into the water and dove down as deep as he could and tried to hold his breath as long as possible.

The Human and the MerkinWhere stories live. Discover now