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"Your teeth are like those on a shark, I actually used to know a shark who was very kind" takes my finger out of Eijiro's mouth.

"Really?" He asked with a chuckle "next time ask before you put your finger into someone's mouth okay?"

"Sorry, I just get very curious and don't think sometimes..." Looks down and goes quiet.

"No no I'm not mad it's okay." He quickly said and cupped his cheeks with a smile.

Just hugs Eijiro tightly and buries my face against him as my ears droop.

He hugged him back and smiled at him "it's fine really" he said and petted his back "should I come in the water with you for some more?"

Just nods a little as I look up at Eijiro with a cute innocent face.

"You dive in first then" he said with a chuckle "I will follow right after"

Nods before crawling into the water and dives down a little bit.

He smiled and just dove right after the other and swam down to sit on a rock again.

Swims over to Eijiro and sits on his lap and smiles happily.

"What are you doing?" He asks and looks at him with a chuckle "they will think we have something going on"

Just nuzzles my face against Eijiro's neck before going back to swimming around.

He then just watches his swim around and then instead just watches the people.

A few small humans start banging on the glass which causes me to hide.

He just looked at the merman again and then stood up before he pointed over to the sign that clearly said no touching the glass and the went to the merman "It's fine Zuku don't be scared"

Slowly comes out and wraps myself around Eijiro's feet just to stay near him.

He just smiled at him "it's okay, should we go sit on the rock again?"

Nods before goes to a rock and lays down on it.

He just smiled and went to a different rock to sit on it so he would have his own space.

Stretches a bit as I get completely but the spot on me that my scales were hiding, my scales separate a little to reveal one of the spots.

He looked at him and smiled "you really have to get used to people knocking on the glass okay? It's sometimes unavoidable" he said and looked at the spot for a second before looking at his face instead.

"Maybe there should be something that says, don't tap on the glass, it scares the fish.."

"There is a sign that says that but kids can't read it" he said and looked at him "It can't be completely avoided" he said and opened his arms again "I'll be here to comfort you if they startle you okay?"

Goes over to Eijiro and nuzzles up against him as something comes out of one of the front spots, it was something that was a dick for mermen and when I notice it I quickly swim away and hide under some Coral.

Kirishima just blinked a few times "Huh-" he said and then just saw the other swim away "you alright Zuku?" He asked just a bit confused.

"Y-yeah, I'm f-fine.." just curls up into a ball with my arms against my chest.

"No, what's wrong?" He asked and stood up to maybe find him just to make sure he was really doing okay "Should we swim up again?" He asked just guessing the humans got too much for him.

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