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"I'll just carry you to.the bathroom to get a pillow, okay?"

Nods a bit as I rub my tail a bit.

He just smiled and went so sit him down on the couch and went to grab a Towel "I like your natural form so much, it looks the most normal"

"I mean, this is the form you first saw me in, so of course it seems normal"

"It's very pretty" he said and smiled "Should I dry you or do you want to?"

"It'll dry on its own, it's raining out so I doubt people are gonna come visit us"

"I just thought it would be more comfortable if you'd have your legs quicker but alright"

"It'll be alright" looks over at Umi and pats my lap "come here girl"

Kirishima nodded and just went to the kitchen to look for snacks.

Umi jumped on the couch and laid her head in his lap. Eijiro just sighed because now his whole couch would be wet.

Starts petting Umi as I lay my head down and stare up at the ceiling.

"Are you hungry or thirsty izuku?" He asked with a hum.

"I'm a bit hungry, could I have some tuna?"

"Just tuna? Nothing else?" He asked and hummed.

"Tuna, rice and tea please"

"Alright" he said and went to cook the rice and also to boil some water.

Reaches over and grabs the TV remote and just starts watching some TV.

Sero hummed quietly as he waited for everything.

Keeps watching TV while petting Umi and waiting for my tail to dry.

He was soon done and just came with the others food and tea and set them down on the table "there you go"

"Thanks Hun" looks at Umi and pats her head before reaching for the tea.

"You're welcome" he said with a smile and sat with him.

Smiles softly at Eijiro before sitting my tea with a satisfied look on my face.

"What are you watching baby?" He asked with a smile.

Checks what I'm watching "oh, it's Criminal Minds, I didn't even notice the name but I really like this show. I started watching it after you showed me how to use the TV two years ago"

"Ah okay that's nice" he said with a small nod and hummed and leant back "wanna just watch that and then sleep later?"

Nods as I sip my tea while having Umi laying on me "I'm guessing Umi is very excited to be a big sister"

"She probably is, she will be the best big sister ever"

"Yeah, I'm just as excited as her to someday meet our precious little one"

"I'm excited for that too, but I'll still have a long journey. It'll go by fast I bet"

Smiles happily before setting my cup down and relaxes my head and before long my legs were back.

He just went on his phone with a hum "Are you okay with Bakugou coming over again or not?"

"Just as long as he doesn't get on my nerves"

"He gets on your nerves by being there I think"

Shrugs a bit "I can try to put up with him"

"You don't have to, that's why I asked if you're okay with him over"

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