🐾06.Following Your Footsteps,Mischievous Girl🐾

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Those are the first words that come to my mind when I see Mom sitting in the restaurant. Although I had invited her to eat here many times, she had never thought of coming.

Today, Mom come with View B as guests, and the menu was pretty much the same as always, because it seemed like the little girl only knew my food, which was spaghetti carbonara.

"I feel like I've been seeing my family more often lately, which is really unusual."

I said with a smile, while View B keep her head down, eating her food without looking at me, clearly feeling guilty.

"Is it true that you have a boyfriend now?"

"Since when does Mom care about my personal matters?" 

"Why wouldn't I care?"

"Well, you seem to be busy with the twins."

"It's not like I don't care, because I know you can take care of yourself. You've been capable since you were little, so what else do I need to worry about?"

"If you're not worried, then what are you doing here?"

"Just having a meal, visiting my daughter, and asking her updates. Isn't that allowed?"

Mom said, sounding more teasing than sarcastic.

"I come because I'm curious about your boyfriend. At this age, is this guy serious?"

"If you don't count the time we spent laying the ground, we just got to know each other. Whether it's serious or not, we'll have to leave that for the future."

"Don't make life as a joke. I'm worried about you." 

"I'm not joking. Even the little one has a boyfriend."

I nodded at the sweet-faced girl who kept glancing at me from time to time. "She has a boyfriend, and when I do, she tells on me."

"Mom, I wasn't gossiping."

View B quickly waved her hands in denial.

"I just mentioned to Mom about how Chai accidentally saw you with that guy, and then Mom got interested."

"And you got interested too?"

"A little... Do you like him, P'May?"

That direct question made me answer honestly, although my feelings are still somewhat superficial. But I don't want to hide anything.

"Yes, I like him. There's nothing bad about him."

Then everything fell silent. The person who was eagerly eating spaghetti before, now she is twirling it on her fork without actually eating it. Mom, who had been quiet, sigh softly before asking bluntly, as only a mother can.

"Are the rice grains cooked yet?"

I raised an eyebrow and laughing. I neither confirm nor deny because I want to keep them guessing, just for fun. But it was View B who frown.

"Why are you laughing? Why didn't you answer?" 

"Who really wants an answer here, Mom or View B?" 

"If I don't want an answer, why would I asked?"

Mom interrupt again, wanting me to confirm. She shook her head in refusal and took a sip of my drink, while my little sister seemed to sigh in relief.

"Why are you sighing?"

Mom nudged View B with her elbow, noticing the same thing and quickly turning back to the gossip.

"Your little sister is more worried than I am. She says that P'May has a boyfriend and worries that P'May loves someone else more than her."

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