🐾37.She's Gone🐾

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I still don't have the courage to face View B, because I don't know how to explain my disappearance. So, I let the troublemaker Intuorn take care of
the situation for me. As for my scheming ex-girlfriend, when she saw that I wasn't ready, he just looked annoyed.

"So demanding."

Now, I'm hiding inside, secretly watching View B, who is awake and talking to Intuorn. I can't quite make out what they're saying. Then,
everyone got up and left the store, with Intuorn leaving Ms. Arun's phone with me temporarily, since she saw that I didn't have mine. She texted me that she would take View B home, not missing the chance to lecture me with a short message:

Hurry up and make up your mind. Some people can't wait forever, you know.

It wasn't that short, actually, but I pretended to let it slip, not wanting to pay attention.

Now that you have money, buy a phone. They even sell them cheap at 7- Eleven. Acting so vulgar doesn't suit you, especially if you're In's ex. It's unbearable.

I think she's talking too much...

I followed Intuorn's advice and went to buy a cheap phone just for temporary use. After that, I hesitated, not knowing what to do next. In the
end, I decided to take a taxi and go back to the house where I grew up. The lights inside the house were still on, indicating that someone was home.

I was curious to know if everyone was together tonight. View B must have arrived by now, but what about Mike B? Is he on duty tonight? I stand there, looking out the big gate, wondering what everyone was talking about when I wasn't around.

Am I really that homesick...?

The overwhelming feeling made my tears overflow. The scene in front of me became blurry, so I wiped away my tears and sniffed, trying to compose myself. Just as I was about to turn around and leave, a voice sound out from inside the house.

"Who's there?"

It was my younger brother's voice, completely different from my father's. It wasn't loud, but loud enough for everyone to hear, making me jump a little.

Footsteps from inside the house run towards the front door. Seeing this, I quickly turned to leave, but I could still vaguely hear Mike's voice calling me.

"Don't go! I recognize your back, May. Is that you, May?"

I slowed down for a moment, but chose to keep running, emotions swirling inside me. I wanted everyone to know that I was still here, but at the same time, I was angry at them for making me feel this way. So, I walked away, leaving me with unresolved feelings.

I'm so confused about myself right now. I'm afraid my presence will bring pain to everyone, but I also want you to know that I'm still here and that also feel sadness for my existence!

After stopping by my house, I called a taxi to take me to the shared house where my friends and I lived together. I didn't expect Paint to still be living there. Maybe my friend had moved out, feeling lonely or scared of ghosts, but I still wanted to go back and delve into the memories of when I lived there.

May... who lived here.

When I visited the first house, I didn't even dare show my face to anyone. But in this house, I found the courage to ring the doorbell to see who was inside. My heart skipped a beat when I saw that the person who came out
was Paint, my old friend, who I hadn't even dared hope would still be living here.


My tall friend must have quickly stepped away from her computer when she opened the door see me. Silence immediately fell between us, and then, suddenly, the door slammed in my face.

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