🐾11. Trip🐾

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Right now, I feel a little dazed and numb, but amidst the shock, there is a sense of joy crystallizing. It’s as if my physical body is functioning normally, but my spirit has already flown out of my body. So when I came back and sat down at the table, I couldn’t quite understand what Mom and Lee were talking about.

"What do you think?"

Mom asked me while I was lost in thought, bringing me back to attention before asking again.

"What did you say?"

"Where did your mind wander? And why are you smiling?"


I pointed to myself and placed my hand on my cheek.

 "Am I smiling?"

"Yes, you are. Ever since you come back from talking to your younger sister, you’ve been lost in smiles, small smiles, and big smiles. Did something happen while you were away just now?"

Then, the sound of View B’s voice floated into my head again, making my heart race uncontrollably.

'She’s jealous.'

"It’s nothing. We just had an argument and I won, as usual. I’m proud of the victory over my sister, that’s all,” I gave a lame excuse.

Mom shook her head slightly in exasperation.

"Why do you always have to beat your little sister like that? She’s so little, it’s pitiful. If you can, let her win sometimes."

"That’s just how Mommy is, always worried about my little sister. Let’s get back to the point. What did Mommy say before? I didn’t get it."

"I said wants to invite Lee over for a meal so everyone in the family can meet him."

"Oh…” I smiled slightly.

“And is everyone in the family is happy to meet Lee? What if Daddy makes a face when I bring him?"

"That one just acts like he’s not interested, but actually he wants to meet your boyfriend more than anyone. He’s curious to see who you brought home."

"So, what’s Mommy going to tell Daddy today?” 

Mommy gave Lee a supportive wink.

“I’ll just say you have a nice guy. Daddy doesn’t need to worry.”

I walk Lee to the car myself and offers to drive Mom and my younger sister home.

As we walks together, Lee look at me with some concern. 

"I didn't do very well today."

"What do you mean? Mom seemed thrilled with you. Oh, but don't get too excited. This is just for a meal and getting to know each other. You and I still have a lot to learn about each other."

"Does that mean I won't be coming over to your house anytime soon? But that's okay; I can wait. We both need to get to know each other better."

"I think you'd get impatient."

"I’ve been through my teenage years for a while now, but I admit that I’m impatient when it comes to you. I want things to move forward quickly, but I’m afraid that you’ll run away first. You’re a very cautious person."

"Don’t worry. I’m not that cautious."

"Do you believe that even though I’ve dated a lot of women, I’ve never taken the time to get to know someone gradually like I have with you?"

"That’s why you find them superficial and get bored with them. Anything that’s easy, you find less interesting. Business is like that."

"That’s partly true. It’s hard enough dealing with you, and then meeting your younger sister who doesn’t like me… I can’t even remember what I did to make View B dislike me so much."

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