🐾22. Escape🐾

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It was hard to believe that the day would come when I would come back to stay at home, with Dad being the one to suggest it. Aside from my own excitement, even Mom and Mike B were equally shocked when they found out that Dad had been the one to bring it up.

But since everyone knew Dad's nature well, if anyone teased him about it, he would cover his embarrassment by throwing me out. So, everyone chose to remain silent and simply acknowledge it with smiles.

"Are you coming back to stay with us forever, sis?"

Mike B, who isn't on duty today, come to spoil me like a little brother who misses me dearly.

"You don't have to live outside anymore. Come back home with us."

"That's right, your dad has already given the green light. It would be best if you come home." Mom added.

I didn't agree right away; I just smiled because I still hesitant. I love the freedom I experienced, spreading my wings and flying around the world. If I go back home, I'll have to go back to living under Dad's rules again: coming home after work and leave whenever you want.

"I'll think about it."

"Playing hard to get, huh?"

Dad, who isn't far away, teases when he sees that I don't immediately agree.

"It's not like I really want you to come back. I only did it because View asked me to. How annoying. Go take a shower and go to bed. Don't make any noise."

Dad get up and go upstairs to escape the commotion, or rather, because he's irritates and frustrates that I'm not doing what he wants. Everyone looks at me with a hint of disappointment, but they all know that no one could force me to change my mind. If I could just drop out of medical school and face Dad, there was nothing left in this world I would fear.

"Heartless, you don't love us anymore."

View B muttered as she followed Dad upstairs. I watched my little sister's retreating figure with a slight pang in my chest. Just now, I said I am not afraid of anything anymore, but it seems like I have completely forget about this child.

"You know, the mood was so good, and you ruined it. Is going back home really that hard? Your father has already committed so much."

Mom scolded me.

"But anyway, going back is a good first step. Go take a shower. Although I haven't had time to clean your room yet."

"It's okay, Mom. I can do it. Everything is still in place for me to fix, right?"

"No one touched your things. You can go ahead."


I walk up to the second floor and open the door to my room, pausing for a moment to look around. It had been years since I had last spent a night here. This room was filled with so many memories. It was where I had studied tirelessly, where I had locked myself away when I was overwhelmed by Dad's pressure, and even where I had been caught by View being naughty once when she had come in.

Everything was still in its place, as it had always been. As Mom had mentioned, no one had disturbed anything in the room. It remained as it was, covered with dust cloths to keep dust from accumulating. However, it seemed like someone had been cleaning it occasionally because the dust was too light for a room that hadn't been used in years.

Okay... maybe spending a day at home will make me want to stay here permanently.

After taking a shower and taking care of my personal tasks, I changed the sheets on the bed a little, afraid that the dust would be too much. Just as I want to get into bed, a knock on the door interrupted me.

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