Chapter 9

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Investigation Day 8

Sunghoon opened his eyes, feeling the chill of the cold marble floor beneath him

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Sunghoon opened his eyes, feeling the chill of the cold marble floor beneath him. He pushed himself up and looked around him. The walls, made from a smooth white material, reflected his figure with a ghostly clarity, showing about 40% opacity of him. As Sunghoon walked around a bit, he realized that he was trapped in a maze. His heart raced, and panic surged through him, intensifying with each passing moment

A moment later, Sunghoon heard the familiar melody that he heard back when he just got in Choi’s mansion. Following the melody, Sunghoon found himself in a small park area, which seemed to be the center of the maze.

Suddenly, a strange watch on his wrist began to glow, displaying the message: “!/4 complete!” After a few seconds, it updated to show:

!/4: Calm - (complete)
2/4: Defence (pending)
3/4 Aim (pending)
4/4: Loyalty (pending)

As Sunghoon ventured deeper into the center, he encountered several floating orbs, hovering a few feet away, letting out eerie electrical sounds. Suddenly a large dot appeared on each of the orbs’ screens, which caused an alarm to go off in Sunghoon’s mind which told him that he needed to find shelter and fast.

Without a second thought, the young man turned away from the orbs and chased the fading melody, sprinting back into the maze to escape whatever danger was about to approach.

“Ricky, I'm glad to see you!” Sunghoon yelled out the moment he saw the man’s reflection on one of the walls.

Ricky stopped humming to the familiar melody and responded, “Good, because I was hoping you'd find me. Listen up, kid, you need to go back to the park and use your amulet to take down those orbs!”

“Bur how? My amulet is not a weapon. It’s just an object that only protects me from evil spells, such as protection from the demons!”

“Are you sure about that? You haven’t even seen the full potential of it? This place isn’t, reality by the way. If you walk deeper into the maze, you’ll discover there’s no exit– just a simple white box. You’re in a virtual world, Sunghoon.”

“And how do you know that, Sherlock?” Sunghoon shot back.

Ricky sighed, his expression serious. “I told you before, I’ve been in your shoes. They’ve run similar tests on me! Just a moment ago, I hacked into the VR system to help you escape.”

“If I were in a virtual world, I wouldn’t feel anything. Why can I feel the temperature, the touch, all of that physical stuff?”

“Simple: you’re in an advanced simulator. That’s why.”

“Alright, so I’ll feel pain if those orbs shoot at me?” Sunghoon asked, anxiety creeping in.


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2024 ⏰

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