Chapter 3

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Investigation Day 3

"Sunghoon~" a voice attempted to wake up the pale investigator, who appeared to be in a deep sleep.

Sunghoon groaned and mumbled half-asleep, "Yeonjun..."

"Yeonjun again? Sunghoon Park, wake up!" Taehyun shouted, causing his partner to flinch.

Sunghoon slowly opened his eyes but quickly shut them again as the bright sunlight hit his face. "What do you want, Kang?"

Jungwon gasped, "Why are you still sleeping, Mr. Sunghoon? I heard rumors that you always wake up before sunrise. Is that not true?"

"It's usually the opposite. I'm the one who sleeps like a dead corpse, and he's the one who wakes me up. Did the mansion's air swap our energies, or did he actually hook up with someone named Yeonjun last night, hence why he's tired and muttering the name-"

"Taehyun, can you just shut the fuck up for a moment? I'm exhausted. Wait- why are you guys here!?"

"Oh? Looks like Sunghoon wants to gatekeep his boyfriends?" Taerae snorted from the top bunk bed, while Hao giggled from the bed below.

"Boyfriend? Oh, please! Not in a million years! Not even in another dimension!"

"Oh, you think I'm that terrible?" Taehyun teased. "Ouch."

"Sorry, not you, Terry Berry. I meant Jungwon, not you," Sunghoon clarified, intentionally offending Jungwon.

Taehyun whispered to Sunghoon, "The blond guy from yesterday is waiting for us at Jeongson's cafe. Let's head there to discuss our mission."

"Do you now recall why you passed out yesterday?" Kai inquired curiously.

Sunghoon nodded slowly, "I saw a man with a bloody face- I fainted because he startled me when I opened my bedroom door," he explained.

Taehyun raised a brow, "You don't usually flinch when you get a jump scare, and even when you do, it's not that bad. So, why did yesterday's scare make you faint?"

Sunghoon nervously fidgeted with his fingers on the table, "I don't know-" Taehyun reached out, placing his hand on Sunghoon's and interjected, "Don't lie. I can tell you're nervous."

The pale man let out a sigh. "Okay. Would you believe me if I told you what happened?"

"Of course, why wouldn't I?"

Sunghoon revealed that he had seen a creepy figure with horns twice before at the mansion. The figure had been following him, causing him intense fear. So, when the jump scare happened suddenly by the man with a fucked up face, it startled him, leading him to faint instantly.

Taehyun led the investigators and the agent to his apartment. "Sunghoon, come with me, and you guys stay outside. My place is full of power, and too many people might affect some of my magical objects."

Sunghoon followed Taehyun inside. "I see you've collected more crystals?"

"Yeah, I mean it's been three years since your last visit."

Sunghoon wandered around and stopped by a crystal ball. "Does this thing actually work?"

"It does, but not everyone can activate it. You need patience, practice, and trust to make things work here."

Sunghoon nodded. "I envy how comfortable you are with magic-" Suddenly, realization struck him. "Wait, didn't you say you prefer realistic, logical stuff over all this supernatural stuff?"

Taehyun turned around, "Did I? I don't remember. That's the most ironic thing I would say though."

Sunghoon couldn't help but to furrow his brows. If it wasn't Taehyun who said it, then who was it?

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