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˙ . ꒷ 🍰 . 𖦹˙໒꒰ྀིᵔ ᵕ ᵔ ꒱ྀི১

Jungkook adjusted his seatbelt and glanced at his younger sister who sat beside him, fiddling with the edge of her jacket. "Are we really going to leave Bongbong here?" she asked, blinking up at him with wide innocent eyes.

Jungkook's expression remained stern as he shot her a strict look. "She shouldn't have mimicked her teacher. That's bad manners."

Soohee sighed, knowing her brother wasn't the type to bend easily, especially when it came to discipline. "Poor Bong," she mumbled under her breath, feeling sorry for her best friend.

Jungkook said nothing more on the matter and instead focused on the road ahead. After a few minutes, Soohee broke the silence. "Can we stop by the music store? I want to buy a new album."

Jungkook arched an eyebrow as he turned the wheel at the crossroads. "Whose album? Is there a new K-pop group releasing something?"

Soohee shook her head. "No, not K-pop. I want to buy Harlequin. It's Lady Gaga's new album."

Jungkook nodded in understanding. He often forgot that Soohee wasn't really into K-pop. Yaa, she listened to trendy k-pop songs now and then but it wasn't her favorite. He felt the same way. K-pop didn't resonate with him much either. He was more into foreign jazz music and it seemed that this preference for non-mainstream music might just run in their blood.

Soon jungkook pulled at a big store with music records sign board. Soohee squealed in happiness immediately jumping out of the car.

"I'm staying here. Come back in 10 minutes, OK?" Jungkook yelled from inside the car, unsure if Soohee who had already darted off toward the music store even heard him in her overexcited state.

He sighed heavily, leaning back in the seat and reclining it just a bit. He closed his eyes, trying to give his mind a moment's rest. The load of work was already creeping in, reminding him of the pile of documents he still needed to correct, rearrange and submit by tomorrow afternoon. It was always the same office life draining his energy, especially when his boss was in one of those moods.

Man don't get periods but his boss might be the exception. His boss was usually reasonable but once every month, without fail, he would flip into what Jungkook had come to call his "grumpy mode." Everything was nitpicked, every mistake blown out of proportion. It was exhausting.

He pinched the bridge of his nose when his phone rang, breaking the silence. He groaned, shifting in his seat and pulling his phone from his pocket. His annoyance only deepened when he saw the screen flashing with a number he recognized all too well; "Ms. Wrong Number".

He still hadn't had time to dig into who she really was, though that had been at the top of his to-do list for the day. Her persistence was starting to grate on him.

He cut the call, throwing the phone onto the passenger seat with a huff, hoping that would be the end of it. But no sooner had he settled back into his seat than the phone began to ring again. He glared at it, watching it ring, his jaw tightening as the seconds ticked by. Finally, with an exasperated sigh, he gave up and snatched the phone, answering it with a growl.

"What!" he barked into the receiver, his tone was sharp enough to make anyone on the other end flinch.

"Wow, wow, calm down, man. Why so angry?" the woman's voice responded, far too calm for Jungkook's liking. Her nonchalant tone only served to irritate him further and he felt his patience thinning.

He could almost picture her on the other end, probably with a smug smile. He had no idea who she was or what she wanted but her relentless calls were starting to push him over the edge.

"Look, what do you want? I don't have time for this!" Jungkook snapped, pressing his fingers to his temple, feeling the headache coming on.

The woman chuckled softly, completely unfazed by his anger. "Why so worked up, Jungkook? You act like you don't enjoy our little chats."

He clenched his teeth. "Chats? You call this a chat? You're stalking me through my phone and it's getting old. Fast."

There was a pause on the other end and Jungkook could hear her soft, steady breathing. Then she spoke again, her voice playful. "Oh, come on. Don't be so dramatic. I like you and I like talking to you, that's all. You intrigue me."

Jungkook's grip on the phone tightened. This was getting out of hand. He didn't have the energy or the patience to deal with someone playing hide & seek with him. "Listen. Whoever you are, this stops now. I'm not in the mood-"

"Calm down, kookie."


"No. Nope, it's Kookie. Jung-kookie."

He paused, stilling for a moment as the sound of her melodic laughter floated through the phone. This woman...

"Done doing lame jokes." he muttered, folding his arm across his chest as he held the phone to his ear with his free hand.

There was a small gasp on the other end. "This wasn't a joke! The name suits you, Kookie," she teased mischievously.

Jungkook blinked, feeling a sudden heat creeping up his cheeks. He swallowed hard, trying to will the warmth away but it remained, as stubborn as ever.

Clearing his throat, he snapped, "Shut up. I am not kookie or cake."

Her laughter burst through the phone. He took a deep breath, feeling the tension drain from his body as her laughter filled the silence.

"Okay then, how about Bunny? Wait! No, how about Hot Bunny? You were looking so fine today."

Jungkook's brows furrowed and his posture immediately straightened. His interest was piqued. "How do you know how I looked today?"

Her response was quick. "Because I saw you, though."

His eyes widened in surprise. "You saw me? When?"

Bong giggled on the other end, clearly enjoying herself. "Oh, Kookie, don't get so worked up." Her voice was light and mocking. "I've been around there in the school. You wouldn't notice me. I'm good at blending in."

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Bongbongcha Cleaning duty🧹

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Soheehee05 more like cleaning punishment. Deserved:)

23 minutes ago


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 11 ⏰

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