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Few years later, as the dust of their past settled, the brothers found themselves. Standing together on the edge of a new dawn. The palace once a symbol of their confinement, was now a distant memory, replaced by the warm glow of a lavish mansion nestled in the heart of a bustling town.

In the Mansion the walls are filled with the memories. Early in the morning, birds were chirping and leaves were dancing in the air along with the winds and creating a rustling sounds.

But in all of these commotion, a person lays deep in sleep having no ideas of the outside world and sleeps. When the sunrays began to enter the room through the windows, he turns his face to the otherside and buries himself in the pillows. Once he gets comfortable, he smiles and about to fall asleep, but then again alarm turns on, he groans and stretches his arms towards the side table and clumsily turns off the alarm and again falls asleep. As he was sleeping, someone came and snatched his blanket and plopped on him and screamed in his ears, "BHAIYA", he got startled and hastily he woke up and that person fell on the other side of the bed. He the became annoyed and said,"Bhaiya its seven-thirty now and you have board meeting at nine and you are still sleeping? actually I should have come myself to wake you up personally as there is no way way you will wake up by yourself?" The person stops his rambling feeling hard gazeon him and looks up and sees his bhaiya glaring at him. He nervously chuckles and said,"Bhaiya please you freshen up and come downstairs for breakfast", and then he hurriedly went downstairs. Then Kabir slowly shakes his head chuckling and then scurries towards the washroom.

Then after freshening up he went downstairs and saw that his younger brother Aarav was making breakfast. Even though being elder kitchen is not his expertise. He is banned from the kitchen when he is alone. He can only enter when under supervision that is with Shrey or Aru. He casually went towards him and asked him, "What is it for today's breakky Aru?". Aarav turned towards him and with a mischievous smile which scared Kabir a bit answered him,"Pohe with beetroot juice!", listening this the way Kabir twisted his face made both the Aru and Shaurya laugh as they knew how their brother hates beetroot, but can't do anything as he have to drink that. Seeing Shaurya laughing at him, he went towards him and whacked on his head, "seems like you are enjoying my plight right Shrey". To which shrey just sheepishly smiled.

After making breakfast Kabir helped Aru setting the breakfast and all of them sat on the table. The dining table was one of the most important place for Rathore brothers as they plan their whole day while sitting on the table and also have their meaningful conversations. Begrudgingly Kabir finished his juice as he knew that he won't be able to escape from it after the stunt he pulled last week, just by thinking about it he got shivers. Then he told them both "please don't get unwanted attention on yourself okay?", as Kabir didn't want any harm on his brothers just because of their special abilities.

He is scared deep down from childhood that just because of these special abilities they lost their parents now he doesn't want any type of harm on his brothers and want them to live a normal life.

Then all of them just finished their breakfast and went to their rooms to get ready for the day. After coming down they went towards their parking lot. Where Kabir's Beast and Aru's Mehbooba was standing, yeah their respective vehicles, i.e. Kabir's Harley-Davidson and Aarav's Lamborghini. Shrey saw his both the brothers dreamy look towards their bike and car and couldn't help but question about their love towards their rides. This is everydays situation, they fall in love with their bike and car everyday. Then he just hopped on Kabir's bike as they both have same destination and Aru went towards his company.

After reaching the hospital they went towards their own office and wards. After reaching his office he saw that Dr. Sharvari was there in his cabin. She saw him and said," Kabir, you know right today we have an important board of directors meeting regarding development of new wing in the hospital. but still you are late?", "oh hello I'm not late I'm exactly on time....", "yeah you are exactly on time, but you should be here atleast twenty minutes before because you are going to give the permission". " yes, I know and I've already prepared for the meeting. Now let's go we are getting late". Saying this they went towards their Conference Room.

After reaching there his whole demeanor got changed to that of the no expressions on his face. Sharvari sighed watching and just went with him. After reaching in the room everyone stood up in respect because they knew that being in Kabir Rathore's good books is always gonna help them. Even though he is just a Neuro Surgeon, he is one of the best in the country and has done some remarkable charitable works across all over India that makes him an Influential person.

After motioning everyone to sit down he told them the purpose of the meeting. There were some murmuring going on as he also gave them some time to come to the conclusion. After a while one of the Board Member stood up and said, "Kabir we have such a big hospital then why is the need for the new wing?". Hearing this he just sighed and said," I want to be able to provide good health to as many people as I can!". He almost yelled at them with an underlying warning to oppose him, all the members got that undertone and then another member stood up and said," Okay Kabir we all are ready. Lets forward all these things so we can start the construction of the building." Hearing this Kabir released a breath he didn't knew he was holding and smiled and reassured them that the construction will start soon. Then they concluded the meeting and slowly the Conference room became empty with just him and Sharvari.

He got up from his seat and excitedly hugged her, she got her breath almost hitched by this sudden hug and slowly embraced him. After the hug he quickly went to give this news to Aarav and Sharvari just stood rooted in her place thinking what just happened with blush heavily adorning her cheeks.

After a while he met Shaurya and gave him the good news to which the boy almost jumped on him to hug him," I'm so proud of you bhaiya, we all are!". Listening this he just ruffled his hair and then placed a kiss on his head. After that they planned to go early today to celebrate the news. They decided to do small party in which Kabir invited Sharvari and Shaurya asked him if can also bring someone to the party to which Kabir just nodded.

Why does kabir want the brothers to not reveal their identity?

Will they be successful in hiding their identity?

What will happen in the party?

The part is not edited, kindly please forgive for the grammar and spelling mistakes. If you have any suggestions regarding the story or any queries please ask.

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