In Between

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                   "He laughs at her eyes, at her smile, at the glasses on her face

She loves how he talks late at night, when there's no one else to say

How she's beautiful and funny and smart like nothin' he's ever seen

He's good to her, and she wants it more than everything in-between"   - Gracie Abrams

Mary knew it was wrong when she kept on changing outfits for the stupid dinner she planned at Aaron's house. Everything she threw on was either too formal, or too sexy; nothing seemed to fit the occasion of their dinner.

Times like this she would usually ask Penelope for help, and she can hear the cackles from her friend yet telling her how personal.

It was no secret that BAU is a strong-willed family, one whispers to the wrong person and it would be a whole ordeal that Aaron and Mary had a private dinner instead of making it a family. Even though Mary loved her family, she owed it to Aaron to keep it private, and Penelope wouldn't be the first person to go to if you wanted a secret to be kept.

Mary decided to keep it simple: heeled boots, leggings, and a tight sweater. Her hair was done straight and her makeup was done light despite her eyeliner that lined her eyes.

"Wooohoohoo! You look good mama," Penelope said as she eyed Mary up and down. Mary just rolled her eyes at Penelope as she giggled at Mary's response. "Where are you going?"

"Just going out," Mary said nonchalantly.

"What's his name?" Penelope said giddy as she got off the couch and walked towards Mary who was stuffing her keys into her little pocketbook.

"No one you would know," Mary said meekly.

"Oooooo so I do know him! Does he work with us!" She asks excitedly as Mary runs out the door while waving.

The car ride to Aaron's was quick and caused more nerves than Mary anticipated. This wasn't her first dinner with Aaron, nor the first time she was alone at Aaron's house but yet this time felt so much different.

The feelings were mutual with Aaron as he quickly freshened up and cleaned random specks around his house. Even for their casual dinner he wanted to have everything looking nice and fancy. Yet there he stood, knowing Mary was on her way, wondering if setting off a candle would give the wrong message. Before giving it too much thought he lit the candle.

He stood and watched the flame, wondering if he was going to give mix-signals. Aaron settled on blowing it, yet right as he kneeled toward the candle his doorbell rang. Believing it's fate and not wanting to be rude, he opened the door.

"Hi," Aaron said as his arm firmly held the door. He wore a more casual outfit rather than his everyday suit. A pair of dark jeans, leather shoes, and a tight sweater rolled up to his elbows. His arm flexed on the door, relieving all the veins usually hidden behind a suit popped out.

"Hi," Mary said, waving a bottle of wine at Aaron. He quickly scooted away letting Mary in, closing the door once she was safely inside. Aaron watched as Mary confidently made her way to his kitchen, getting a good look at Mary's backside. Her sharp heel boot gave her extra length to make her legs look longer, taller, and somehow more confident, her ass filled and plump as her leggings hugged her, her long hair flowed down her back covering most of her maroon sweater. "I know you said you'll cover the wine, but you can never have too much!"

She places the rośe on the counter and turns to face Aaron. He smirks at her before walking to get the wine glasses. "It must be hilarious to think I would drink that crap," Aaron said as he placed the glasses down and walked to get a bottle of merlot. Mary just rolled her eyes as Aaron opened the bottle.

"You know red makes me frisky, Aaron," Mary says as her dinnermate pours two glasses.

"I think I prefer you frisky," He says as Mary sips the wine with a laugh.

"What are you making me?" Aaron settled down and made Mary the best yet simple meal he could. A bolognese with a side salad. Aaron tried to convince Mary not to help yet she couldn't seem to sit still. Every chop Aaron made Mary found a way to stir. They talked, laughed, and drank together before setting the table and preparing to eat.

"I could've helped Aaron," Mary said as she watched him pull her chair back before letting her sit.

"Marjorie, you did enough, sit and enjoy," he said as she rolled her eyes at him. They finished Aaron's merlot and moved to Mary's fruity rośe.

"Thank you for cooking," Mary said as she plated her food. The food is put in the middle of Aaron's round time, perfectly in between them. Aaron watched her every move, the way she smiled brightly at his jokes, the way she licked her lips when smelling the food, and the way she kept eyeing him down. Something Aaron never seemed to mind.

"Anytime," he said so sweetly that his dimple popped out. Mary couldn't deny how good Aaron looked. The way his sweater fit his muscles, how his dimples shined more tonight than they've been in months, and how he couldn't stop staring at Mary. Everytime he wasn't actively cooking his eyes were on Mary. Not a stare Mary felt uncomfortable hovering over her.

As they ate there wasn't an uncomfortable silence. Maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was the pair of friends, nonetheless they both smiled and laughed at each other's company. Company they couldn't seem to go without. 

~another boring one but trust the next chapter is gonna be sooooooooo good~

(please lmk what yall are thinking in the comments, dont glaze me too hard though)



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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12 ⏰

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