Hollywood's Dead

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                     "Hollywood's dead

Elvis is cryin'

Lennon, wake up

Cobain, stop lying there

In the light, you're sickeningly beautiful

Say goodbye, you're sickeningly beautiful" - Lana Del Rey

The Florida humidity is almost the worst part of the state. Besides the crazy crime rate and the stupid slogan "Florida: The Sunshine State", Mary hated Florida because of the humidity. At least that's what she told people. When she walked off the jet she was welcomed by the heat and the serial killer she had to catch. That instantly damped Mary's mood.

When she walked into the police precinct and saw 3 officers look at her up and down before snickering and whispering to each other, she knew the day would only get worse.

"You know, you don't have to let people know you hate it here," Derek says as he walks next to her and pins evidence to the board.

"I think a frown can sit on my face until we catch the unsub and I'm on a jet to Virginia."

"I really can't understand why you hate it here so much," Emily says as she drinks her coffee.

"It's just... Florida," Mary says with a sigh, earning a snicker out of Emily and Derek but she didn't care. The longer she had to stay in Florida was time not worth spending.

"Enough- Morgan, Prentiss, JJ I want you to go to the scene-" Aaron said as the both nodded and grabbed their bags "-Reid, Rossi work with the police and help set up the drawing board."

Reid and Rossi nodded at Aaron as he turned toward Mary. "We will go to the latest victim's house, see if her parents know anything."

And just like that all of the agents were off. Aaron and Mary made their way to the latest victim, Jennifer Prize's house.

"Mr. and Mrs. Prize-" Mary said as they opened the door, the old couple stood apart with deep frowns and puffy eyes "-we are with the FBI we have some questions about your daughter?"

The father just scoffed and left the door open as the grieving mother took a deep breath. "Didn't we already talk to the cops?"

"Yes, you did ma'am, but we are only here to get a further understanding," Mary said as the mother let out a deep breath and ushered the agents in. Without saying a word, Aaron turned the corner while entering the home to go talk with the dad, as Mary went and followed Mrs. Prize.

The women sat at the little kitchen table with a fan blowing onto them. The older woman sat facing the window while the younger one looked at her.

"Mrs. Prize, anything you tell me can help us catch the guy who did this," Mary said to the older woman as she just shook her head.

"You know it took me 7 years to get pregnant, Jennie was my miracle baby girl. An answer from the heavens. She's 27. I only got 27 years with her," Mrs. Prize said with tears streaming down her face as she still sat facing the window. "You know if I'm answering in full honesty I don't want this killer to be caught. I want him killed. I want someone to do what he is doing to these poor girls."

"Mrs. Prize.."

"No- Listen. Jennie was young. She didn't get a life. Did you know she just got engaged. I'll never see my baby walk down the aisle! I'll never see her try on dress! I'll never see her old! No! I want him dead!" Mrs.Prize says as she grows hysterical. She popped off the chair and shoved it into the wall. The two men in the other room rushed in. Mr. Prize running to his wife, and Aaron worryingly checking on Mary.

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