Chapter Four - Unexpected Information

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The sky is dark, and the stars are faint as Goten flies through the cool night air. His face is wet with tears, and his body trembles with a mixture of fear, sadness, and confusion. His mind races, replaying the heartbreaking moments at home with his father. He feels the weight of the world pressing on his small shoulders, the reality of his family falling apart too much for him to comprehend. He doesn't know what else to do but head to Gohan's house. His older brother has always been his protector, his guide when things didn't make sense. And right now, nothing made sense at all. As Goten approaches the warm glow of Gohan's home, he wipes at his eyes, trying to compose himself. But the knot in his throat only tightens. It's late, and he's not sure if Gohan is even awake, but he has to try. He lands softly outside the door and takes a deep, shaky breath before knocking. The sound feels loud in the stillness of the night. He waits, his heart pounding in his chest.

[Goten] (internal monologue) Please be awake, Gohan... I don't know what to do.

Moments later, the door creaks open, and there stands Gohan, his face tired but quickly shifting to concern as he sees his younger brother. Goten's red, tear-streaked face and trembling frame tell him everything before Goten can even speak. Without a word, Gohan pulls his little brother into a tight hug.

[Gohan] (softly, with concern) Goten... what's wrong? What happened?

Goten immediately breaks down, sobbing into Gohan's chest as his brother holds him tightly. From the udder shock and surprise, Gohan opens his arms and looks down at Goten as he hugs him.

[Gohan] Whoa, whoa whoa...

Gohan rubs his back, his mind racing as he leads Goten inside the house, gently closing the door behind them. Videl, sitting in the living room, looks up, her face full of concern as she sees Goten's distress, hearing him sob.

[Videl] (worriedly) Goten? What's going on? Are you okay?

[Goten] could I say with you, Gohan?

Gohan and Videl then look at each other. They looked worried and concerned. Videl and Gohan nod to each other, Gohan sits Goten down on the couch, kneeling in front of him, his eyes filled with worry and confusion. He glances at Videl, who comes over and sits beside Goten, placing a gentle hand on his shoulder. Goten, still sobbing, tries to speak between breaths, but the words keep getting caught in his throat.

[Gohan] (calm, but concerned) Hey, take your time, Goten. We're here. Just tell us what happened.

Goten wipes his eyes with the back of his sleeve, his breaths coming out shaky. He finally looks up at Gohan and Videl, his voice broken and full of sadness.

[Goten] It's mom... Mom left. She's gone.

Gohan's eyes widen in shock, and Videl's hand tightens on Goten's shoulder. The room falls silent for a moment as the weight of Goten's words sinks in. Gohan blinks, trying to process what he just heard.

[Gohan] (in disbelief) Mom... left? What do you mean, Goten?

Goten's lip trembles as he continues, the pain evident in his voice.

[Goten] She... she told Dad she wants a divorce. She said she's leaving us... for good.

Videl's hand moves to cover her mouth, her eyes wide in surprise. Gohan's breath catches in his throat as he stares at his younger brother, his heart sinking. Divorce? His parents? He never thought something like this could happen to their family.

[Gohan] (shocked) A divorce? No... that... that has to be some kind of sick joke, right?

Goten nods, his sobs growing softer but still choking his words.

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