Chapter 1

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Lacey's POV

I heard a beeping noise. What was that? Why was it so annoying? Somebody turn that thing off! I slowly fluttered my eyes open, taking in my surondings. Everything blurry at first, coming into view. There was Uncle Paul, sleeping as usual. Five boys,a blonde and a tan skinned boy asleep on cots, one curly haired brunette on his phone, another brunette type completley oblivious to anything other then his laptop. And then another brunette, his hair looking as if he just rolled out of bed. He was lost in thought, his blue eyes looking off into the distence. I noticed his hand on mine, the dark circles under his eyes. His eyes suddenly flew to mine. He was the boy who caught me when I fell. "Your awake." He smiled, causing the two awake boys eyes to go to me. "Who are you guys? Am I in a hostpital?" I asked, cautiously. "I'll get the nurse. Wake up Paul." The dirty blonde one said, leaving the room. The one with the blue eyes left me, walking over to Paul and the other two. Wow i should really learn the names. Beep beep. God that thing was annoying. Why is it still on?! "Lace, ignore the moniter." Paul said, i noticed i was glaring at it. "It's annoying. Why is it still on? Why am I even in a hostpital? Oh, and who are these guys?!" I said as the other two boys got up. "You, my dear, were running down the street and screaming my name with the d@nm b@s!erd who kiddnapped you on your tail."Paul said strechting and patting my head. "Oh...and who are these people?" I asked, pointing at the boys. "These people, are a famous boyband, One Direction, also your new flatmates." He smiled causley. Before i could protest the boy came back in with a nurse.

"OK ma'am, we're done. For today, tomorrow we'll see exactly how much blood you lost. And all the damage done." She smiled, walking to the door. "Do you want anything until luch?" She asked, as the boys walked into the room. Did i want anything? I was asleep for the last two days and havent eatan anything all day! D@nm right i want something. "Can i get some carrots?" I asked as she nodded and left. I rolled my eyes and noticed one boy smirking. "Okay can I have some names?" I asked, snapping my fingers. Yes, i am very sassy. "Im Liam Payne. Thats Harry Styles, Zayn Mailk, Niall Horan, and Louis Tomlinson." He said, pointing to each boy as he goes. "Ok, Im Lacey, Paul's goddaughter, I am scared of pigeons and thunder, I like carrots and am extremely sassy." I smiled as the boys laughed. "Just like Lou!" Zayn laughed as Louis blushed lightly. "So wheres Paul?" I asked as the boys all took a seat. "He went to go buy you clothes love." Louis said, taking the seat next to me. My heart skipped a beat, why? I promised myself that i would never love because i would get hurt. But for some reason, I trusted Louis. I really did.

I talked to the boys for hours on end, until Liam had a phone call. "That was Paul. He said for us to come home and help get Laceys room ready but for one of us to stay." Liam said, slidding his Iphone back into his pocket. At the exact same time four of the boys said "I will."? Why did they all want to stay? It was just me, i mean really. Besides, i wasnt really comfertable with anyone but Louis yet. "Louis you stay, she's more comfertable with you." Liam said, wow. He like, legit read my mind. I mean seriously. I was thing that. Oh my carrots. Before I kneew what was going on Louis had hopped on the foot of the bed, causing me to flinch and tense up a little. The other boys had left the room, scowls on their faces. "It's ok Lacey, you can relax. I wont hurt you." He said, carcessing my face in his hands. "I know." I stated, as he inched closer. "Lacey, what exactly did he do to you?" Louis asked me, concern and worry lacing his voice and eyes. I took a deep breath, steadying myself before telling him everything.

Louis's POV

I cleched my fist in anger, trying to slow my breathing. How dare he touch her? I could tell she was scared, as a tear streamed down her cheek. I pulled her closer, stroking her hair. "Shh Shh Its ok, he wont hurt you. I wont let him." I promised as she wrapped her arms around my neck. I continued comferting her as she sobbed in my shoulder quietly. "Im ok," She said, glancing at the clock. "It's already night." She laughed lightly, as i got up from the bed and got in the uncomfertable chair. She must have noticed my disgust of the furneture. She scooted over in the bed, patting the spot next to her, I raised my eyebrow. "Dont flatter yourself Tomlinson, i just dont want you to be uncomfertable." She said, stifling a laugh yet blushing herself. I let out a low chuckle, carefully getting into the hostpital bed, wrapping my arms around her. Wanting her to feel safe. "He will never hurt you again. Im here, and im not going anywere." I whispered into the dark room, her black soft hair under my chin. "I know Louis. I trust you." Was all she said before her breathing steaded, signeling her falling asleep. I sighed into the darkness, tightening my arms around her.

I looked at her sleeping face, so beautiful. I mean, i knew i had feelings for her. I really did. But i was still confused. I thought I had loved Eleanor, but she had broken my heart. Even though it had been a whole six monthss, I still was so in love. I was afraid to fall again. And with Lacey? She's the most beautiful girl ive ever seen. She sweet, and funny, and i swear we're made for each other. I meaan pigeons?! Really?! Plus she's crazy, like me. I think i might be falling for her. I know I am. And I think the ither boys are too. Oh my carrots...what am I going to do?! I just need some sleep. Thats all. I need to clear my head. "Louis...?" Lacey said, heer voice smooth. Melting me. "Yes love?" I asked her. "Dont leave me..." She said before falling back into a deep sleep. "I couldnt if i tried." I whispered, more to myself.

(((A/N I hope it was ok!!! I know its short but i wanted to get it started!!!)))

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