1: Bishop's Birthday

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After being around the Amish folk, I felt inspired enough to write a fanfiction about it. I'm so intrigued by their mannerisms and unique way of living. I've done so much research to try and make this accurate, and have also incorporated some of the things I've seen in my experiences with them! Obviously, there are things that will be dramatized, as this is fiction, but I do hope it's accurate enough! Enjoy!

Also, rumspringas (Rumschpringe) typically start at age 16 and last two to four years but for the sake of the plot I have changed that.

I'm so excited for this and I hope you guys enjoy it!

"It's the bishop's birthday today, Tyler! We must hurry and make our gift basket for him."

Groggily, Tyler's eyes peered open, the bright rays of sun poking his skin and rudely, fully, waking him. Flipping over, he groaned into his soft pillow.

It was always a very special occasion when it was bishop's birthday, but it was even more cherishable when it was a Sunday. After service in the morning, they would travel towards the more modern world and treat themselves to a meal of many calories and many smiles.

The weather in Berlin, Ohio felt like a soft embrace during this time of year. It was nearing May, and the warmth the sun provided each day brought all of the Joseph's a great comfort. Tyler felt the warmth through his window, and took a deep breath before getting up.

Stretching, Tyler felt a wave of excitement soar through him. It was always such a pleasure to be able to visit the new age, mostly because Tyler learned and tried so many things (many of which were culinary discoveries). Tyler made his way into the washroom, illuminated only by the sunlight from the window, and turned the sink on. One of the things Tyler learned to be grateful for at a young age was that they had a proper bathroom. They still had to boil water and use buckets for showers, but at least they had a sink that gave them water so they could wash their hands and brush their teeth (and Tyler thanked God everyday that they had a working toilet and didn't have to use an outhouse).

After Tyler was finished dressing himself in the standard male attire, he quickly headed down the stairs. His mother, Kelly, was finishing up cutting a fresh bread loaf, certainly for the basket for Bishop Miller. Maddy was wrapping up some apple dumplings Tyler helped her prepare the night before.

It was odd that Tyler baked, let alone enjoyed baking, but most of the community never bothered him about it. Sure, a few elders would make comments about how that was a "women's job" but Tyler paid no mind. He enjoyed baking, especially with his family. He was damn good at it, too. Tyler was arguably the breadwinner of his family even at his young age of 18, with many English people buying (and selling out) the baked goods he made for his family's shop nearly every day.

"Need anything else?" Tyler asked his mother, studying her actions.

"If you want to get a few corns," She murmured, and even though she said "if," Tyler knew it was a command.

Before walking towards the cornfield behind his home, Tyler slipped on his farming shoes. It only took him about a minute to walk across the field and find a few pieces of corn that he deemed acceptable for Bishop Miller. Quickly, he headed back inside to place the fresh vegetables into the basket (not without washing them, of course).

After a few finishing touches, the basket was ready to be delivered. Before Tyler could offer, Zack, Tyler's younger brother by two years, took the opportunity. Not that Tyler minded, though. He was too excited to go into the outside world.

As soon as the rest of his family was finished getting ready, they were outside. Tyler was an adult now and was allowed to travel alone, whereas Zack and Maddy were frequently forced to travel with one another. Jay, Tyler's youngest brother, was always paired with his parents because he was too young.

"Beulah!" Tyler called, his grin wide.

Beulah galloped over to him eagerly, and Tyler gingerly pet her between her eyes. She was brown-black with beautiful hazel eyes. One of the taller horses, for sure, and Tyler picked her out when he was just a boy. It surely was one of the best choices he had ever made, and he was always so grateful for all of the things she did for him.

She was happy to take him all the way to the outside world, which was really only 10 miles north. Because it was a special occasion, a bunch of the community was going to a buffet. It was rare that they were allowed to indulge in such a privilege, but their Bishop said it was allowed, so that's what they did.

Being in the outside world was always very different. After his first few years of being gawked at, he got used to it. No longer did it bother him anymore. Still, Tyler didn't understand why people looked at him like he was some sort of alien. He was dressed a little old fashioned, sure, but he didn't look freakish or anything. Most certainly he did not deserve the whispers and stares he and all of his community received.

Sometimes, when he and Beulah were traveling on the paved roads, people in cars would slow down and stare. Today was no different. Two different cars did the same thing as Tyler travelled towards the restaurant. He didn't care, though. Why should he?

The buffet was amazing. There were lots of sweets and lots of familiar dishes with interesting twists. Some people stared at Tyler and his family like he had two heads while others paid him no mind. Tyler ate 2 waffles, an eggs benedict, an omlet, bacon, ham, sausage, and several sweets before he was finally full. Really, he just wanted to revel in the many delicious options he had, and Zack seemed to have the same thought process.

Breakfast was soon over, with Tyler's family getting ready to leave. Tyler went the opposite way, murmuring to Zack, "Don't wait up. I just have to use the bathroom and I can meet you back home."

Tyler secretly liked using the bathrooms at the restaurant much more than the ones at home, especially because they didn't smell weird and had soap that magically came out when Tyler stuck his hand out underneath it. Even though it was frowned upon, Tyler secretly was interested in some of the new world technology. Part of him wished they were allowed to use some of it because it looked so useful.

When Tyler was done, he gradually made his way outside, his eyes wandering towards Beulah. He was confused as to why someone was talking to her.

After a few seconds of contemplation, Tyler walked up to them both. "Hello," Tyler greeted, feeling unsure.

The only time he really interacted with people of the new age was when he was selling them baked goods. Even then, those conversations were simple and curt, and Tyler tried to smile out of politeness even though it wasn't in his nature.

Suddenly, the man turned to look at Tyler. He had curly, dark brown hair and holes in his ears, and jewelry through his nose. His nose was big and his eyes were small, and he looked nothing like anyone from his community.

"Hi, sorry," The man grinned sheepishly. "Your horse is really cute."

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