Chapter 67

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I wake up, Nate's legs loosely entangled in mine while his arms draped over my waist. Quite snores exit his mouth, something I have gotten used to. I keep my eyes closed, taking in one of my favorite parts of any day: waking up with Nate.

We've been in the Bahamas for about a week now, and today we head back to good ole Los Angeles. We spent the week at the resort, or out doing touristy things. While I had an amazing time in the Bahamas, I'm ready to go back to California.

"Baby, wake up, we've got to head to the airport soon," I whisper, but make it loud enough to wake him up.

It takes a few minutes for Nate to get fully awake, then we head down to the breakfast buffet like we have every morning. I get a waffle and some sausage, and join Nate at the table.

"I'm excited to get home," I say, taking a sip of my tea.

"Me too, gotta get back on that studio grind," Nate says and I laugh.

Once finished with breakfast, we head back up to the room to get ready to leave. We pack up all of our things, and put on our airport attire. Mine consists of a pair of leggings and a sweatshirt I stole from Nate.

"I was just looking for that sweatshirt," Nate groans as we wheel out our suitcases.

"Sorry babe, it's comfortable and it smells like you," I say, and Nate chuckles.

"I guess it looks cuter on you anyway," Nate says, pecking my lips. "Now let's head home, shall we?"

We put our luggage in the back of the car that's taking us to the airport, then slide into the backseat. The short drive consists of Nate saying weird things to the driver.

Once we arrive at the airport, we go through all the boring things like baggage check and security, then take a seat at our gate.

"I don't want to be on a plane for five hours," I complain, laying my head on Nate's chest, as we lay in an awkward position on the airport chairs.

"But you have your favorite travel buddy with you," Nate says and I laugh. "Why are you laughing?"

"Because you're cute," I say, pinching Nate's cheeks.

"Flight 256 to Los Angeles, California is now boarding." They announce over the intercom.

We grab our carry on bags, and board the flight. Like usual, I take the window seat. I immediately take out my headphones, and rest my head on Nate's shoulder. I soon fall asleep for the flight.


"It feels great to be home," Nate says.

"Nate, we just stepped off of the plane," I say and we each laugh.

"I'm already catchin that California vibe babe," Nate says and I laugh at his weirdness.

I text Kate and Jack in the group chat, letting them know that we just got off the plane. Kate immediately texts back saying they're in the Starbucks.

"Kate!" I shout, running into her arms like a cliche romance movie, which usually consists of a couple.

"I missed you so much, Erin!" Kate says, breaking up the hug. "You've got to tell me everything."

"Oh my goodness Nate!" Jack mocks us in a girl voice, as Nate runs into his arms.

"I hate you guys," I laugh, as Kate flips them off.

"I'm just kidding, I missed you loser," Jack say, pulling me into a hug as Nate and Kate greet each other.

After our mini reunion in the middle of the airport, we grab our luggage from baggage claim, and get in Jack's car. We head to Kate and Jack's house, where we get to be reunited with Cooper.

After parking in their driveway, I immediately hop out of the car and run towards the door.

"Oh yeah, go ahead I've got the bags," Nate says and I laugh.

"I miss my puppy," I say in my defense.

Kate unlocks the door, and Cooper immediately comes running towards me.

"I missed you buddy," I squeal, squatting down to his level to let him.

Right as Nate comes in the door, Cooper jumps up on him and attacks his face with kisses.

"Yeah, yeah I missed you too," Nate says. No matter how badass he tries to be, I know he has a soft spot for Cooper.

We decide to just chill for the night, and get caught up. Even though it's only been a week since I've seen everyone, I've missed them like crazy.

"We're here bitches," I hear Sam's voice yell from the front door.

"And we have pizza!" John adds.

Nate and I greet John and Sam, Nate being almost as excited to see them as I was to see Kate. Boys just don't express it as well.

We each grab a piece of pizza and find a seat in the living room. I sit on Nate's lap, with Kate to my left.

"So, there's not going to be any little Maloleys running around yet, right?" Sam winks and I laugh.

"Shut the hell up Sam," Nate laughs, "no, no babies yet."

"C'mon, I'm sure you got a lil kinky while you were there," Sam says, as I nuzzle my face into Nate's chest.

"That's not a topic we need to discuss as I eat, unless you want me to throw up," Jack says and we all laugh.

We spend the rest of the night chilling, I tell Kate all about the honeymoon, and showed her pictures as the boys talked about upcoming music.

"Well, I think we should get goin. I'm exhausted," I say, as Nate and I stand up from our spot on the couch.

We say goodbye to everyone, and Sam gives us a ride home.

"Home sweet home," I say, opening up the door to our apartment.

Everything looks just as we left it, which doesn't really come as a surprise. Nate carries the luggage up the stairs, me following behind him.

"Yes baby work those muscles," I say, slapping his butt.

"You're such a dork," Nate laughs, shaking his head.

"What can I say, you've got a better butt then most girls I know," I laugh, everyone knows it's true.

"You've got a better butt then a girls I know," Nate winks and I laugh.

"This is why I married you," I say, pressing a kiss to his lips.

I get ready for bed, feeling exhausted from all the traveling and time changes. I crawl up into bed with Nate, feeling happier than ever to sleep in my own bed.

"Goodnight, I love you," I say, puckering my lips for Nate to kiss.

"Night, sexy."

One Night Stand? // Nate MaloleyWhere stories live. Discover now